𝑁𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 1𝑠𝑡

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Michelle Lovegood

November 1st

Our investigation seemed pretty pointless right now, how in the who wizarding universe are we meant to solve a murder that occurred on Halloween night? It's not like we can go around asking people who weren't at the big parties and add them to the list of suspects. Everybody was drinking and their memories were faded, it was no use.

In only a few hours time, I went from a regular student at a holiday party to a detective, solving the murder.

Morning came and the five of us, including McGonagall met in the room we were using for the investigation to continue our discussions from last night.

"Why was Cho out of the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff party?" I asked, "Did she leave midway into it or did she never attend? And why?"

"And did whoever killed her know she wouldn't be at the party? Or did they just get lucky and find somebody to kill?" Juliette asked.

"We have no suspects, and therefore, no potential motives for killing Cho," Louis said.

I know murder investigations aren't supposed to be easy to solve, but since I've never been the lead detective in one, I didn't understand the complexities. We had very little information, but we couldn't just sit here and wait for somebody else to be murdered.

Rosa was upset that we hadn't invited her to work alongside us, but last night she was drunk out of her mind, and this morning she was suffering from a hangover.

With nothing to do, we decided to split up and ask students about their relationships with Cho Chang. We were only really looking for one main thing which was, "Did anybody have any problems with her?" Any other information, like why she was in the Dining Hall was graciously accepted though.

Louis surveyed Gryffindors, Juliette surveyed Hufflepuffs, Nate chose Ravenclaw's, which left me with the Slytherins. I didn't hate them, but I know many of them will give me a hard time just because I'm a Ravenclaw.

I got done surveying about half of them, but they were stingy with giving out information. Theodore Nott, Juliette's brother was halfway kind to me, though he had no information to give.

"Where's Malfoy?" I asked, scanning around the common room that Professor Snape was guarding, making sure that nobody left and nobody entered without his knowledge.

Nobody made a sound or wanted to make eye contact with me, I stared at Snape, "Is he here?" I asked.

"No." he said sharply in his usual monotone voice.

Though Snape is a professor, he's still a Slytherin, and therefore, just like the rest of them.

A pain in my backside.

I surveyed the rest of them, making notes of their responses and tones toward the whole situation, in case that matters. All responses were collected, except Draco Malfoy's.

In the investigation room, the four of us met with our new knowledge.

"Nothing." Louis said.

Both Juliette and Nate shook their heads to tell me they had no information either. I showed them my notes before saying, "They were as mean as always, but Draco Malfoy was nowhere to be found."

"So it's Draco who killed Cho?" Nate said, confident as he solved an investigation.

"We have no evidence that he wasn't just wandering the halls or shagging somebody in an empty classroom. Professor Snape didn't tell me where he went." I said.

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