𝑁𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 2𝑛𝑑

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Michelle Lovegood

November 2nd

I can't solve a murder investigation on the three hours of sleep I was able to get, so Juliette made me some coffee with enough caffeine to kill a person. That's obviously not meant literally and is a bit selfish to say when people are actually dying.

After drinking my coffee, I arrived at the dining hall, as all Ravenclaws did at this time. The professors thought it was safer for each house to be escorted down separately. We ate and ate before McGonagall escorted us to the investigation room.

"Any new leads?" Juliette asked us all.

We all shook our heads and sat in silence before Nate decided to break the silence, "The next victim could be dead by now, or be dead within an hour."

"Wanna place bets on who it'll be?" Louis asked.

The three of us gave him a glare.

"I thought it was funny," he chuckled.

"Well who would have been close enough to Luna to steal her wand without her knowing?" I asked.

"You're her sister, shouldn't you know?" Nate asked.

"But I don't."

"It must be another Ravenclaw," Juliette said, "Think about it, only a Ravenclaw could break into Luna's stuff and steal her wand without being suspected."

"But Slytherins, Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors are all known for their smarts, just in different ways, so it could be anybody. Anybody but a Hufflepuff." I said.

"Hufflepuffs are smart," Nate said, "But just not mean enough to commit murder or theft."

"So all we know is that the killer is a part of either Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor." Louis said.

"If it isn't a Hufflepuff, then why wasn't Cedric in the common room when I questioned them yesterday?" Juliette asked.

"He was what?" Louis asked.

"Juliette, why are you just now telling us this!" I exclaimed.

"It slipped my mind!" she remarked.

"If we ever want to solve this investigation, we have to start by telling each other the truth, and nothing but the truth." I said, "No exceptions."

A knock sounded at the door, and we all jolted from our seats. It was another murder.

Professor Slughorn was accompanied by McGonagall this time.

"November 2nd, Professor Slughorn's classroom, Ginny Weasley, dead." I whispered to myself, unwilling to accept it was true.

"Who's going to be the one to break this news to Harry?" Juliette said.

"Why is Harry the first person that comes to mind?" I said, "Her fucking brothers and parents are going to be more upset than Harry. I mean for fucks sake, Harry lost both of his parents and still displays bravery and courage, this will be like usual for him."

What I said was mean, and did not exactly come out the way I had intended for it to.

Slughorn interrupted, "I left my room to help escort the Slytherins to breakfast, and I came back to see her dead." he sounded almost sad, a side I hadn't quite seen of him.

I observed the scene once more before we headed back to the investigation room.

"Harry's broom." I muttered, "That's Harry's broom?"

"Why is Harry's broom here?" Nate asked, "Harry wouldn't have been stupid enough to kill the girl hes in love with, and especially wouldn't leave his broom there."

Terrible TragediesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora