loo loo land part 1

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michael's POV

i was sitting in the office bored out of my mind loona was across the room on her phone i started to think of how cute she is until i here blitzo yell from down the hall

blitzo: m and m and m get in here we are going to loo loo land

moxxie: loo loo land?

millie: loo loo land!

michael: loo loo what now?

blitzo: LOO LOO LAND!

loona: shut the fuck up!

we all walked outside and blitzo noticed that the van doent have enough room for him and everyone else so he said

blitzo: alright someone needs to figure out another way there because the van cant fit the 4 of us plus stolas and his daughter so who is taking anothe vehicle

michael: i will

blitzo: ok see you there

michael: ok

a few hours later everyone  but michael was there 

stolas: wasnt there 4 of you

blitzo: yeah my 4th employee should be here any minute

just then they see a m47 patton tank roll through the gates with the IMP logo on the turret michael parks the tank next to the van and pokes his head out and says 

michael: sorry everyone traffic was a bitch until i realized its a 60 ton tank that can run over cars

moxxie: you really brought the tank

michael: yeah you never know if your gonna need it besides its a bodyguard mission so i also brought my m60 and 1911

octavia: still why do we need this much security for a theme park

stolas: like i said earlier we are rich and we're hot people want our money and our bodies

michael: and you never know when those vietcong bastards will come out of their hiding spots to play  *starts having flash back*

blitzo: michael? you ok?

michael: oh yeah, just some light ptsd. anyway lets do this

the soilder in hell part 1Where stories live. Discover now