a new place

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michael had been gone nearly the whole day and loona was getting worried but as she was about to call him he burst into the door and yelled.

michael: loona i got a suprise

loona: what

michael: i got us our own place near here

loona: where did you get the money for that 

michael: work and a few connections

loona: does blitzo know because if he gets back and we are no where to be found and our stuff is missing he will be furious

michael: he knows he's the one that recommended the idea to me

loona: really

michael: yeah, now lets get our stuff packed i have new furniture being delivered as well


4 hours later

michael: so what do you think

loona: its nice

michael: alright im gonna get the TV and other electronics hooked up and that should be it exept for you know putting all of our stuff in our room

loona: ok sounds good, by the way who is your so called connection

michael: alright but dont tell anyone, i got all of those weapons and vehicles and this new apartment from money that alastor the radio demon gave me

loona: your connection is THE FUCKING RADIO DEMON!

michael: calm down and dont yell, i dont owe any debt or money he just gave the money to me and he was also the first person i met down here.

loona: so your telling me your friend with an overlord and you didnt tell me

michael: i was gonna tell you just not right now 

loona: goddamn it

michael: it cant be that serious

loona: you literally have no idea what could happen

michael: what?

loona: if other overlord learn about this they could have us killed

michael: funny you should mention that i also invested in angelic rounds so that if they do attack it kills them permenently

loona: wow i guess you are prepared for everything

michael: yep, anyway we should finish up and go to bed we probably will have a job tomorrow

loona: ok

the soilder in hell part 1Where stories live. Discover now