Chapter Seven

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Heya, my lovely readers!

Chapter Seven: What Should I Do? Lady Aphrodite, Help Me.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

As I walk the back paths of Olympus, I try to figure out what I should tell the Olympians. Well, the Olympians who were in the dark. I will not let my wife and children be there when it happens. The things I have done for milady are not the best.


I follow the man who supposedly beats on his family, all girls but him. I have been tasked with dealing him the most painful of punishments, but I want to see for myself if he does abuse the women. The moment he raises his hands to any one of them, I will strike. 

The man, Jim Houtin, is an outstanding citizen and goes to the church events all over and even calls off work for them. To good to be true I suppose, but I have to see with my own eyes. Normally I wouldn't argue with the Lady, however, this man seems to be of a different descent than just mortals.

He parks his car in his driveway and goes through the door. The bruieses and unhealing scabs on his knuckles gives me proof that he has harmed someone, and repeatedly. 

My eyes narrow. I enter through the window in the living room, the women are in the kitchen, and hide in the doorway from the hallway opposite of the entrance hall the man is entering through. 

The women, two twin teenage daughters of fifteen, a ten year old daughter, a seven year old daughter, and the mother of 37, slave away in the kitchen and the man slams the door close, making the ladies jump. 

I fear that milady was indeed correct about this man. His social figure in society, a front. 

Jim enters the kitchen and removes his belt. He pushes the mother out of the way of the 7 year old and I take action. I jump on Jim and knock him to the floor. His belt hits my side and I growl at him. 

"Admit it, you never thought you would get caught. It's time to go to the Underworld, descendant of Dionysus." I snarl.

His eyes widen and the women gasp. "How do you know who my grandfather is?" he asks frightened.

"More like seven times great grandfather and I do believe you are Roman, congratulations. Bacchus is his name, but it's not as familiar to normal mortals. Too bad you got insanity, rather than wine and harvest." I chuckle darkly.

He struggles under my grasp. I pick him up on to slam his head back into the linoleum floor. "Hold still so I can make this as agonizing for you as possible." I sneer and he starts to tremble.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to find the ten year old. "Make it more than that. He deserves it." She whispers.

I nod. "As you wish." I turn back to JIm. "Time for justice." I tell him.

I rip into him and after fivehours of the many things I was ordered to do and more to appease the women of the household, I slit his throat and let him die slowly in his pain. I mark him to go down to the Fields of Punishment and to the worst parts of it.

I head into the living room and stand in front of the ladies. "There are some places where all of you can go, except for you." I look sadly at the mother.

She just looks at me. "One place is with my very nice cousin who helps girls like you, or you have the chance of going to two different camps for special people like you. I will settle you in any of them. However, I don't know where you would go, Martha."

The mother nods in understanding. "Bacchus told me of these places." She sighs. "It was a happy marriage, until I got pregnant."

I tilt my head at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

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