Ali smut

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This is Ali smut! This story takes place before he died. IM SORRY!

I didn't know if you wanted just like a fuck of him just himself giving a blow job or if you wanted it to be like a Player x Guard. If you wanted a player x guard I can re-write it. This is just going to be a blow job!(Also in this au he doesn't have a family he's just single)

Alright on to the story:)

Ali's POV:

      I haven't touched myself since I've been here the second time. It makes me feel hard in the middle of doing something. It's uncomfortable to do anything with.

No body's POV:

      Ali walks up to triangle and asked to go to the bathroom. Triangle nods and Ali follows triangle to the bathroom. They get to the bathroom. "Thank you" Ali says. Triangle just nods.

Ali's POV:

      I walked into the stall closest to the sinks. I pulled the lid down and sat on it. I put my hand it to my sweats and pulled them down a little bit and also pulled down my boxers a little bit as well. It was enough for my dick to be free and feel the air in the bathroom. I wrapped my hand around my dick and moved up and down. I bit my lip so I couldn't moan. I went faster and my lip started to hurt and bleeding so I let go. I went faster, I let out the biggest moan ever!But I thought that the guard couldn't hear me from outside the bathroom.

Triangles POV:

       I was leaning on the wall wait for one of the players to get out of the bathroom. And then I heard a load moan.(but not as load as circles) *is he jerking on in there-*

{Couple minutes later}

No body's POV:

      Ali came out of the bathroom and they walked but to the room were the players sleep. Triangle didn't say anything to Ali about the moan that he heard come from the bathroom.

357 words

Uhh- there you go! I'm sorry it wasn't as good!

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