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July, 2nd 2014 - Where we are tour, Germany.

"Whoo, fuck me man! That was an incredible one!" screamed a Louis completely overwhelmed by the adrenaline of the just finished concert.

That's him, a short blue eyed hyperactive who, unlike his band mates who after shows are always laying on the floor, kicks everything that crosses his path because of the adrenaline running through his blood.

This night, Niall was lying on the cold floor and Liam with Zayn occupying the only sofa in the room but Harry was nowhere so, since Lou had no place to sit or lay decided to take a walk trying to find Harry.

Where the heck could Harry be, or maybe the question for the worried boyfriend searching for his partner in a city he has only been twice or three times in his whole life was where to look for him. Supermarkets, clothing and grocery stores, restaurants, pubs and no trace of the green eyed. Oh, wait. Is that curly tall guy standing in front of the orphanage Harry? His Harry? Well, well, well, he'll have to find out his own.

"Harry?" asked the lad putting his hand on his shoulder.

The curly one, who effectively was Harry, spun around with a big white smile as soon as he heard his sweet cheeks voice.

"Lou! What are you doing here?" said a happy Harry.

"Me? What are you doing here? I couldn't find you, I was worried!" sassy Louis doing his appearances.

"Sorry, I was stressed out by all the noise and I had to take a walk and feel the fresh air and then I found this place and I saw this little baby girl and I just fell in love with her face, I couldn't move." Harry seemed sorry for make Louis be worried but there was a special sparkle in his eyes, no one has ever seen that look on him before.

Louis rolled his eyes and inevitably smiled at that particular face of Harry. "C'mon Harry, we have to sleep so tomorrow we'll be ready for a long plane trip."

Reluctantly, the youngest of the band accepted and they return to the hotel and fortunately no fan group stopped them even though they love being stopped by fans and take pictures with them, they were kinda tired that night so they were grateful they could arrived to the hotel soon.

The other three members of their boyband were completely asleep, probably in their fifth dream. Louis fell asleep in like five minutes, or probably less. He arrived and as soon as he lay down on the couch he started snoring.

Harry, unlike them, couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about that little girl who looked directly at his eyes and smiled for him... How could her mother not want to raise her. Maybe she couldn't. Should Harry raise the blonde smiley baby for her? No, no. What is he thinking about, he's just twenty years old and also, what would Louis think about it? No, he should put that idea away from his mind.

And thinking about a fake scenario with that blonde girl, he fell asleep next to his boyfriend. Yes, Harry Styles imagines fake scenarios just like we do, isn't it crazy?

{ • • • }

"WAKE UP, HARRY!" kept screaming Zayn next to Harry. 'Course, the last one to fall asleep and the last one to wake up. How could that long haired one not wake up with all of this noise? We'll never know.

"Finally, we thought you died but your body kept breathing." exclaimed the blondy one.

"C'MON, HAZZ, WE'RE LATE TO THE FLIGHT!" screamed Louis with that unique sharp voice, from the shower.

"It's time to wake up!" said a completely awake and energetic Harry, getting up from the couch where he slept.

"Did you drink energetic juice last night?" asked the dark haired lad while convulsing as the energetic juice makes you do.

Harry laughed falsely to Zayn and got ready for the flight but the little blonde baby wasn't going out of his mind, haunting him to leave her behind. "C'mon, Hazz, the car's outside. Are you ready?" Liam's voice bought him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, sure." answered him shaking his head, as if that way he would get her out of his mind.

Both One Direction's members left the hotel and they got in the car. Harry next to Louis, obviously. The car passed in front of the orphanage and there she was, Harry felt the damage in his heart. He really is leaving her there?

"Harry Styles?" screamed someone outside the window, hitting the crystal. Again, distracting him and losing the orphanage from his view. Shit, that was the last time he saw her and he couldn't even cuddle her once.

The car did not stopped, so they left the girls behind. They would've loved to take pictures with them but they were really late now.

"Alright, we're here guys." announced the private driver smiling to them by the rearview. All the boys thanked him and went straight to the plane followed by all the bodyguard and some people from management.

Harry stopped halfway, denying with his head.

"Lou, I can't do this, we have to come back and take her with us. Please, I feel it. I'm begging you, I can't leave her in a place like that." tears were almost out his eyes thinking about Louis saying no, but he definitely didn't say no. The other way, he kissed passionately his boyfriend saying yes in all the languages he knew.

"Okay, love. Let's do this, we're ready. It had to be one day or another and if you feel the moment is now, then I feel it to." Louis' words touched Harry who hugged him hard and run with him to the car. The driver hadn't left yet, so they still have the opportunity to come back to the orphanage.

And there they were, standing outisde thinking about the big step they were about to do. But the couple hadn't any doubts.

Love, Michaela and Paula.

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