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"How do you both dare do something like this without asking us?!" Said an upset Simon screaming his lungs out.
"Well I guess it's my life and I can have a daughter if I fucking want, Simon!" Kept fighting Louis, he couldn't believe he didn't have the right of deciding if he would become a father or not neither.

"Are you kidding me, Louis? You can't do this! We have signed a contract! Everyone's gonna know the truth about you two and we're gonna lose fans! You know what means? Less money!" Louis couldn't be hearing what he think he just heard. Did he?

"I don't fucking care about the money or losing fans. Then they are not real fans, Simon. You're a father, do you really care more about the money than your fucking son? Then me neither! It's not that hard to understand that shit, get it in your fucking head." Harry was trying to chill Louis down but he was so mad at Simon not understanding their feelings. Louis kicked the bucket trash next to him.

"Alright, if you're hundred percent sure about what you're doing we maybe can say that's Harry's niece that Gemma couldn't take care of" Louis rolled his eyes and took his eyes out of Simon.

"So you're giving my sister a bad image as a mom instead of saying we decided to adopt a child because we wanted to help her and give her all the love she deserves just as friends? We are willing to say the five of us adopt her, as a group" Harry got mad the moment he heard his sisters name. No, he wasn't involving his poor sister to this and Simon wasn't neither.

"Alright, we'll say all of you adopted the girl as a group but she loves mostly Harry as a dad so she's living with you two. Is it okey for y'all?" They weren't expecting for Simon to be that comprehensive but they were thankful. Simon kept talking to them in a good way, just like he didn't say they couldn't have a baby minutes before. Louis was getting more upset even though he let them keep the baby.

"Now get out of our house Simon we have stuff to do" I'm sure all of us love sassy Louis. Simon nodded and left the house without saying goodbye. Louis screamed with rage as he left their home, he absolutely was better after that scream.
"Hey, it's okay love. She's coming with us" Harry hugged Louis and finally could calm him down.

They sent the pictures of the colorful room for Darcy, there was a lot of beige and red, a crib which seemed so comfortable with lots of cushions and teddies. The room was full of baby stuff, toys and empty photo frames for future memories. The name in big red letters on the wall, with lots of lights. In the ceiling there were little lights with star shape and a blanket on the floor. The room was made perfectly for their little queen by them, with all their love in it.

"Mary's gonna love it and she's giving us Darcy soon, I know" Said an excited Harry while sending the pictures. The couple lay in the couch and fell asleep watching some TV show until Harry's phone rang. Last time they were chill and heard a phone ringing wasn't a good thing.

"Yeah?" Harry had a sleepy voice that turned into energetic and full of adrenaline one, but Louis didn't know what was going on and he was freaking out to know it. As soon as his boyfriend hang up he shaked him asking him to explain the drama.
"Lou! We have a flight tomorrow! We're picking our daughter tomorrow! We're picking our daughter tomorrow!" Harry's voice volume increased with each word, realizing what he was saying.

"Really we are??!!" Louis shouted as he jumped into his boyfriend's arms. They were waiting for too long to pick their lovely soon to be daughter up so they were too excited to go and see her again.

They have been preparing everything. Their new room, their whole house so she won't hit anything or hurt herself. They have been taking some online classes for upcoming parents, even watching tutorials on YouTube. Their mums have been really helpful throughout this whole journey. The thought in the beginning that their sons are going really quickly for this parenting thing, but they soon understood and were really excited to become grandmas.

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