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When they said goodbye to the boys, they carried their daughter into the car and put her into her seat. Louis did it and felt proud of himself that he successfully put his daughter into the baby seat and didn't drop her or worse. Harry watched him with adoration and proud expression on his face, because he knew how Louis was insecure about his parenting. To be honest, he was awesome at it.

"All done" he announced when he sat next to Harry who was in the drivers seat. Harry just smiled at him and started the car.

On their way home, they sang together, talked about the experience so far, but mostly they played with their daughter as much as they could when she was in the back seat. Harry obviously paid attention to the road so they don't crash but Louis made fun faces at her making her giggle and laugh a lot. She still didn't exactly understand who these two men were, but she was glad she was with them and not at the orphanage anymore.

"We are hereeeeee!!!!" Harry said making Darcy chuckle and clap her hands. Louis put her out of her seat and hold her on his hip kissing her nose. He was so glad that she wasn't crying during the car drive, because she wasn't used to be in a car or anywhere beside the orphanage. It was all so new to her that it must have been overwhelming. But she was a strong girl and took it all very good which made her dads proud of her.

"Who is ready to see their new bedroom, hmm? Is it our little princess?" Harry tickled his daughter who tried to stop him but failed. Louis just laughed at them and took Darcy away from Harry so she could be free from tickles.

But when he wanted to unlock their door, it was already opened. Harry saw it too so he quietly went inside if someone was there. Instead of a robber, he was met by lots and lots of confetti and their families and friends yelling.


All three of them smiled and Darcy tried to catch as much confetti as she could. She never saw one of these things before so she was very excited and kinda scared of it too. But when her smaller dad said to her that it's okay, that it's not a monster, she started to play with it and clapped her hands making the confetti stick to her palms.

Their whole kitchen and living room was covered in confetti and balloons and other fun stuff. Over their kitchen table was a big sign saying: "Welcome home Darcy!!" in cute pink lettering. They had piñatas, small pools with balloons, a lot of cupcakes and food for all of the people there. And many many gifts on one of their coffee tables.

It was so many cute things for her to play with. When Louis looked around he saw his family. His mum, stepdad, his sisters and his grandparents. Then Harry's family was there as well, his mum, stepdad, sister and grandparents. It was a big big family gathering.

First who went to greet them was Louis' mum. She was pregnant with Louis' new siblings, twins, but she looked so excited to meet her first granddaughter.

"Hey little girl, I am your grandma Jay." She said in baby voice and smiled at Darcy. Of course she was shy because all these new people, but she saw something familiar in Jay so she smiled at her and held her finger in her small hands.

"Tell granny you know her name because you're named as her." Whispered Louis to Darcy's ears loudly enough so Jay could hear. Her facial expressions changed drastically and her eyes watered.

"Are you serious?" She asked, hugging Louis and caressing Darcy's back. She couldn't believe it. She was going through a hard time and this was all Jay needed to light up her life.

"Yes. Of course muma." His eyes were running teary too and not gonna lie, Harry was moved too and Darcy was just Darcy, chuckling at the scene.

It all went so well, tears fell down, laughs all time, lots of gifts for the little protagonist of the night. At one point, all of them left because their life as a baby's parents started there and they couldn't have people on their house until so late, Darcy had to go to sleep early.

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