The Night

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We entered an expensive hotel not far from the bar and went up to the third floor. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh when he opened the door and beckoned for me to enter before him. As I took a step in, there was an intense cinnamon aroma that hit me instantly. The room was dark, to the point that I could only make out what I believed to be a couch. I waited for the lights to come on but it never happened. The door clicked shut behind us, and a hand set itself on my shoulder, lightly pulling me back and swinging me around.

The man placed his lips to mine and I could tell immediately that it was not going to be the sort of kiss that I was used to with Mia. I've watched and seen intense kissing before but I had never done it myself, and I was in complete shock when his tongue slipped in between my lips. Not having any experience in the matter, I tried to copy him. Opening and closing my mouth slowly while trying to swirl my tongue around his and at times lightly biting his lower lip. I felt completely embarrassed because I had no idea what I was doing but whatever it was I hoped that I was doing it right.

The man then began to place light kisses down my neck, and though it tickled, I felt a slight sense of pleasure as well. When his hand slid up my shirt, he rubbed his thumb over a nipple and I took an unsteady deep breath and exhaled just as shaky. Just a moment before my arms were barely placed around his back, but in that moment I unintentionally gripped the back of his shirt and pulled him closer to me.

He then pulled away slightly and removed my top while placing kisses in random spots from my mouth, neck and chest. He lightly bit one of my nipples and I jerked away from him with a small cry.

He lightly pushed me away from him and in that moment I had figured that I did something wrong and I stood with my arms lifeless at the side not knowing what to do. He walked away and I heard what sounded like things were being knocked over.

"You're drunk right?" He said to someone and I wondered if someone else was there.

"Well I'm glad you're having fun." He said after a moment of silence.

"Can you stay at someone else's tonight?"

He was having what sounded like a one way conversation with himself so I assumed that he must have been on the phone.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well that's because I'm going to be busy here tonight."

"Shut up."

"I will."

"I know, I'm not stupid."


"You enjoy your night as well."

Footsteps came my way with less things being knocked over this time. He grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me further in until we entered a room. He quickly but gently pushed me back on a bed and climbed on top of me. He began to kiss me intensely everywhere as he completely undressed me.

The rest of the night, and for I don't know how long, I experienced unbelievable embarrassment, and horrible pain, but finally there was pleasure. I don't think that there was a single place on my body that wasn't kissed, or licked. I was adjusted in many positions, some I never would have even thought possible.

"Are you okay?" He asked huskily.

He had spent over at least ten minutes preparing me, causing complete embarrassment.

"I'm fine."

"I'm going to put it in now, let me know if it hurts."

"Okay." I said through nervously gritted teeth.

I was bent over on all fours, with my hands clutched to the sheets with a death grip. I knew I was supposed to relax but I was honestly afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle the pain.

"Is it okay to move?"


Surprisingly when he entered it didn't hurt as much as I was expecting which allowed me to relax a little bit.

"Stop me if it becomes too much."


Though I ended up feeling nothing but pain once he started moving in the beginning, I had no thoughts of asking him to stop. I was prepared for him to take me as if I was used to it and I didn't plan to complain. He was gentle however, every word he spoke and every move he made seemed to keep me calm. It was as if he knew I was a virgin and he was handling me as if I would break otherwise.

I had climaxed with great pleasure and when he finally released in me, I felt greater satisfaction knowing that he found it pleasurable as well, even if I had basically done nothing. After this I thought it was over but we went for multiple rounds and in multiple positions, all of which caused embarrassment.

This was a night that I would never forget nor one that I would ever regret.

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