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I woke up four hours later, sweaty and sticky from still wearing all but the vest of my suit. Luckily my mood was no longer depressing and I was able to smile to myself knowing that Mia was happy.

After a long and cool shower, I heard a knock at the door and laughed to myself wondering what Mia had left behind.

"Hold on."

The knock came again.

"Hold on, Let me get dressed." I called louder.

The knocks turned into a pound and I immediately worried that something was wrong. So with only having a pair of boxers on I rushed to the door, not caring for my attire.

"What's up roomy."

"Huh." I said dumbfounded.

The stranger was at my door with a duffle bag and a suitcase.

My phone went off and I stood there not knowing what to do. Should I shut the door on him and get the phone? Should I ignore the call and figure out what was going on? Should I let him in and take the call?

"You should probably answer that." He said.

As I went for the phone, I left the door open and he took it upon himself to come in.


"I forgot to tell you something yesterday."

"What is it?"

"My husband's brother had been staying in town the last couple days and other than the hotel, he had nowhere to go, so I suggested that he stay with you since there was a spare room."

"His brother?"


"Is he tall?"


"Dark hair and eyes?"

"How did you know?"

"Is he sexy as hell and has a completely confident overall appearance?"

"I take it he's already there?"

"He is."

"You don't have a problem with it do you? He's a good guy, I don't think he'll cause you any trouble."

"For how long is he staying?"

"Oh um...I'm not actually sure."

I unintentionally laughed and a headache emerged out of nowhere

"Youve got to be kidding me."

"Don't tell me...is he?"


"Then isn't that good news?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well now you can have all the gay sex that you want."

For the first time ever it was my turn not to say goodbye to her and instead, easily hung up on her. I had a feeling I would hear it from her later but I didn't really care at that moment.

I looked over at the stranger and was baffled that I had not only slept with a stranger, but my fiance married the brother of the stranger and now the stranger was to live with me.

"We can have all the gay sex we want." He said with a grin, obviously hearing her loud mouth through the phone.

"By the way my name is Mika."

"Mika and Mia." I laughed. "What wonderful names."

I set the phone down and headed to the room to finish getting dressed but instead I was pulled backwards and spun around and Mika's warm lips were on mine once again.

"Lets have sex." He said bluntly.

"Are you going to play the woman this time?" I asked.

"Ah...um...." He cleared his throat and pushed me back slightly. "It felt good last time right, you should just sit back and enjoy it again."

"I don't know, I'm a man too."

"I'm older though, plus you've always liked it being done to you right?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"Well Mia told me that she caught you using a,,."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I said cutting him off before he could finish.

The thought of her seeing such a sight was shameful as hell but to know she told someone else, a stranger for that matter, was unbelievable.

I slipped away from him and went to my phone with the mindset of calling her and saying something horrible, but I didn't know what nor did I care, but I needed to say something.

"I'll be gentle again." Mika said as he stopped me before reaching the phone.

"My ass hurts." I said honestly. Even if I wanted it I wasn't going to.

"We'll just take care of each other in another way."

"What do you mean?"

"Like this." He said.

Then without warning he knelt down and removed my boxers and looked up at me with his dark eyes and before he even had to do anything, I was shamelessly up and ready.

My Fiancees WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now