Birthday Surpises

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Emilie was sitting against the bath tub.
"Emilie,are you okay?"asked Gladstone,checking in on her.Emilie didn't say anything.She didn't know how her mother could have done this ten times.
"Just nauseous."said Emilie truthfully. "How could my mother do this ten times?"
"'s-because your body's not used to it."suggested Gladstone.Emilie didn't say anything.
"Wait,are you saying my mother went through the same thing I'm going through right now?"asked Emilie.Gladstone simply shrugged his shoulders.
"I honestly don't know."admitted Gladstone. "Do you want to go to Pahooey, and Donna's birthday party?"
Emilie,once again didn't say anything.Did she want to go to two two-years old birthday party?Usually she would say yes, but she really wasn't feeling like it.But it was taking place at McDuck Manor, and there was somebody there who could give her the answers she needed.
"Not really,but I want to go to McDuck Manor."said Emilie as she got up.Gladstone smiled.

* * *

When Emilie,and Gladstone arrived at McDuck Manor Emilie was feeling a bit better.Maybe it was because she was getting some advice from someone who could help.
"Hi Mrs.Beakley!"said Emilie when Mrs.Beakley answered the door.
"Are you two sure you want to come in?"asked Mrs.Beakley.Emilie, and Gladstone looked at each other.It was a weird thing to say.
"Um-yes?"said Emilie.
"Mrs.Beakley,is everything alright?"asked Gladstone.
"See for yourself."sighed Mrs.Beakley moving aside to let them in.
"I can't believe you two would chose to go on some crazy adventure instead of attending my kids' birthday party?!" Emilie, and Gladstone heard Donald yell at someone,or specifically,two other people.
"Donald,be reasonable,we just came across this-"came Scrooge's voice.
"From the internet."said Donald.
"Yes,it came from the internet.But think how much more fun this adventure will be than some lame birthday party!"said Della.
"Excuse me?"said Daisy. "We put a lot of work into this party!"
"Look!Emilie, and Gladstone are here!At least they don't want Pahooey, and Donna to be put in harm's way!"Donald yelled at Scrooge, and Della while pointing at Emilie, and Gladstone after he noticed that they were there.
"Actually,I'm here to talk to Mrs.Beakley."said Emilie.
"Seriously?"snapped Daisy.
"Emilie isn't feeling well."Gladstone said.
"Oh."said Daisy,who suddenly felt guilty.
"Well,do you want to be at the party?"asked Donald.If Gladstone was more worried about Emilie,or simply wanted to get away from the drama,then that was understandable.
"Well,yeah"said Gladstone.

                                         *    *     *

"So,what's the problem?"asked Mrs.Beakley when she, and Emilie were in the kitchen,as if she didn't know.
"I'm pregnant."said Emilie.Mrs.Beakley simply smiled.She knew it.
"So,what exactly is the problem?"
"I keep throwing up,am nauseous,am moody, and worst of all,I want to eat raspberries."
"The throwing up, and nausea will go away eventually,but the moodiness will be present during the entire pregnancy.But do you crave any other food that's unusual that isn't raspberries?"
"Yeah.Blended pickles on ice cream.Shrimp with honey on them."said Emilie. "I feel guilty about the last one because I feel like shrimp are the babies of the sea."
"Emilie,shrimp aren't babies.They're just really small."said Mrs.Beakley.
"They're babies!"cried Emilie. "Innocent innocent babies that are being eaten by horrible people!"
"Uh-is everything okay in here?"asked Gladstone peeking into the kitchen only to witness Emilie crying.
"She's-upset."admitted Mrs.Beakley.
"What's going on in here?"demanded Donald as he, and Daisy entered the kitchen.
"Why is Emilie crying?"asked Daisy.
"Shrimp."whimpered Emilie.Donald, and Daisy looked confused.
"Emilie's pregnant."explained Gladstone.
"And you brought her here?"said Donald. "With all this commotion?"
"She wanted to come!"
"Guys!Guys!Calm down!Your upsetting Emilie!"said Daisy.Emilie looked bored.
"So,what's going on with the party?"interrupted Mrs.Beakley.
"It's still on.Uncle Scrooge, and Della just aren't going to be there."snarled Donald. "They've decided to go on that idiotic adventure instead of staying here."
"Donald,please calm down."insisted Daisy.
"Fine."said Donald.
"What?Am I allowed at the party?"asked Emilie.Donald didn't seem to want her there,he seemed to think it would be too much for her.Donald looked at Daisy.
"Of course you can.It's just a kids' party."said Daisy.Emilie smiled.

* * *

"I can't believe that Scrooge, and Della were stupid enough to fall for that fake treasure map!"said Steelbeak while laughing. "Who says we need someone like Gandra,or Ludwig?You hacked into their phones without any problems!"
"But all we did was make Donald angry at the two of them."said Walt,trying not to think about the fact that he was going to be an uncle. "We need to do more."

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 4Where stories live. Discover now