Danielle's Birthday

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It was Danielle's birthday, and because of the last two times Duckman birthday parties were held outdoors,her's was going to be held indoors.Specifically at the Gander home.
"There,"said Emilie after putting up the streamers. "all pretty."
"You do realize that there won't be a lot of people coming,right?"asked Gladstone.
"Yeah."said Emilie sadly.While neither,she,or Gladstone were strangers to tragedy,the fact that Louie's kidnapping, and Fergus, and Downy's death caused such a rift in the family shocked them.
"The only people from my side of the family that are coming are Aunt Matilda, and Uncle Ludwig."
"And my side?"
"Your sisters."answered Gladstone.
"Well,at least nothing bad will happen."said Emilie in falsely happy voice.Claire suddenly reached for a streamer that was on the floor, and was about to put it in her mouth.
"No,Claire!Don't put that in your mouth!" said Emilie,and Gladstone at the same time.
Suddenly the doorbell rang.Emilie went to open the door.
"Matilda!Ludwig!How are you?"asked Emilie.
"We're fine,dear.Now where's Claire?"asked Matilda.
"Right here."said Gladstone as he tried to get the streamer away from Claire.She was a stubborn baby.Gladstone blamed Emilie for that trait.
"Awww.How's my baby granddaughter?"asked Matilda,taking Claire away from Gladstone.
"Hey!"said Gladstone.He was pretty certain that he had everything under control.
"Don't worry,Gladstone,the other guests will be coming soon."said Emilie. "Ludwig,what are you doing?"
"Oh,relax.I'm just giving Claire a piece of candy."said Ludwig.
"But she'll choke!"said Gladstone.
"Oh no she wouldn't.I'm giving her a Lifesaver."said Ludwig as he put it her mouth.Claire didn't know what Grandpa Ludwig gave her, but she liked it.
"See,she likes it."said Ludwig.
Thankfully the other guests began to arrive, and since,unlike the other two parties,there were few guests, but somehow just as hectic.
"So,what did everyone get Danielle for her birthday?"asked Annebelle.
"Is that your way of suggesting that Danielle should open her gifts first?"asked Matilda.
"No.Annebelle just wants to make sure her gift is the best."said Emilie.
"It is the best."insisted Annebelle. "But if the rest of you believe that your gifts are just as good as mine,I'll give my gift last."
Everyone looked at each other.If Annebelle wanted to be that way,fine.It wasn't that Danielle was going to like somebody's gift more than everyone's else.
So,Danielle began to open her birthday presents.While Emilie, Gladstone,Kelly,Izzy,Mimi, and Denise's presents weren't a surprise,Matilda, and Ludwig's was.
"A baby emu?!"shrieked Danielle as she,along with everybody else,excluding Matilda, and Ludwig of course,jumped onto furniture to get out of the emu's way.
"It's my new business idea!"said Matilda with excitement. "Selling baby emus as exotic pets!"
"Are you crazy?!" asked Emilie holding Claire up as high as she could.For some reason,Claire thought this was all fun.
"Oh don't be so dramatic."said Ludwig. "I checked the emus myself."
"Can you at least take that thing outside?"asked Emilie.
"It's not a thing. It's Danielle's birthday present!"said Matilda.
"Aunt Matilda,please." pleaded Gladstone.
"Oh,fine."said Matilda,taking the emu by the leash, and taking it outside.Then it was Annebelle's turn.
"Okay,Danielle,before I give you my gift, I have one very important question."said Annebelle.
"Okay."said Danielle.
"Has Penumbra been hanging around her fellow Moonlanders more often?"
"Well,here's your birthday present! I hired a private detective to follow Penumbra around to make sure she doesn't cheat on you!"said Annebelle as if this was what anybody would want for their birthday.
"Are you insane?" said Danielle,clearly insulted. "I trust Penumbra!She's taking me out to dinner after this! I can't use this! I won't!"
"Well,too bad, because I can't return it."
"You went to a non refundable private detective?!"
"No. I used my own private credit card."
"Don't talk like that in front of my child again."said Gladstone.
"Oh please,it's not like she understands what I'm saying."defended Annebelle.
"Annebelle,get rid of the private detective,or I will."said Emilie.
"What are you going to do?Kill him?"asked Annebelle.Emilie left the room.
"Where'd she go?"asked Kelly.
"She'll be back."said Izzy.
"She has to.She lives here."Gladstone said.Suddenly Emilie returned,just as Annebelle's phone rang.
"Hello?"said Annebelle when she picked up.Silence.
"What do you mean you were given a better offer?"More silence.
"By my sister!"More silence.
"No I will NOT good bye!" yelled Annebelle into the phone before throwing it on the floor, and stomped on it multiple times.
"Yyyyyoooooouuuuuuu!"said Annebelle in a dramatic voice while pointing at Emilie.
"You hired my private detective?!Why?"
"McDuck Enterprises needed one."explained Emilie.Annebelle didn't say anything.She just plopped onto the couch, and pouted.
"Why don't we have cake now?"suggested Gladstone.
"Nothing else left of the party."pointed out Emilie.
Under normal circumstances,this would be true, but given everything else that had happened in the last four years regarding the Duckman siblings, and parties,it wasn't that easy.First,Claire got scared by the candles,so they couldn't use candles.Then Annebelle insisted,no demanded,that she be given the smallest piece to keep her 'girlish figure', and implied that Emilie still had baby weight in a very nasty way.Which resulted in an argument that ended with Annebelle have her face shoved into the cake.
"You know,that could of gone worse."said Emilie when the party guests left.
"But it could of gone better."pointed out Gladstone.Emilie just shrugged.
When Danielle was outside she noticed the emu that Matilda, and Ludwig brought her for her birthday.It was cute,in it's own way.Definitely better than Annebelle's gift.
"I shall call you Pride."said Danielle to the emu.Pride simply made a noise.Danielle smiled.She couldn't wait to show Penumbra Pride, and tell her everything that happened at the party.

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