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"Any minute now."said Emilie looking at her watch for the umpteeth time in the last week.She didn't know when the egg would hatch, but she was getting anxious.She, and Gladstone already knew what the gender of the baby was.A girl.Unfortunately they hadn't decided on a name.All they knew is that they didn't want her to share the first name of either one of their mothers.
"Okay,sweetie.You can hatch now."said Emilie to the egg.Suddenly the egg began to hatch.
"Wow,that's amazing."said Emilie,who suddenly realized what was going on after she said that. "Gladstone!Gladstone!"
"Yes,Emilie?"said Gladstone.
"The egg's hatching!"said Emilie shoving the egg in his face.
"Okay!"said Gladstone. "Let's go!"

                                    *      *     *

As Gladstone, and Emilie raced to the hospital more cracks appeared in the egg.On the way Emilie called certain people while keeping an eye on the egg as she didn't want Gladstone to do the former while driving.Much like the delivery,it didn't take them long due to the lack of traffic.
"Who the heck are you?"Emilie asked when she, and Gladstone entered the hospital.
"Dr.Hunnicutt.Dr.Pierce-is no longer with us."said the new doctor.
"He retired?"
Emilie looked confused.
"He's dead.He died during a delivery."explained Dr.Hunnicutt.
"Wow."said Gladstone. "Those poor parents."
"Yes.But everything turned out fine."
"There are more cracks in the egg."mentioned Emilie.
"Of course.Right this way."said Dr.Hunnicutt.

* * *

Emilie had no idea why she had to wear a hospital gown.According to the attending nurse it was because she was a patient.The egg shell began to fall apart pretty quickly.In fact,the duckling was almost out.Then suddenly the little duckling was out.
Both of Gladstone, and Emilie looked at their newly hatched daughter while the latter held her.They never been filled with the type of pride that filled them at that moment.She looked a lot like Gladstone,except her hair wasn't as curly,making it a prefect mix of Gladstone's curly hair, and Emilie's straight hair.She also had Emilie's gray eyes,instead of Gladstone's blue eyes.
"So,what are you going to name her?"asked Dr.Hunnicutt.
"Claire."said Emilie.It was the first name that came to her mind.
"What about a middle name?"asked Dr.Hunnicutt.Gladstone looked at Claire.She looked so much like him.And he looked so much like his mother that there was only one name that fit.
"Daphne."Gladstone said.
"With the last name Gander?"
"Of course!"
"Okay.Claire Daphne Gander.Born on May 7 at 4:34 p.m"said Dr.Hunnicutt filling out the birth certificate. "Nurse Baker,will you wash up Claire,please, and get an orderly to clean up the egg shell fragments."
"Of course."said Nurse Baker. "Come on Claire,let's get you clean up."
"You better return her Nurse Hatchet!"yelled Emilie while shaking her fist.An orderly came to clean up the egg shell fragments.
"We're parents."said Gladstone after a while as they waited for Claire to return.Saying it out loud made it seem more real.
"I know."said Emilie. "Where is that stupid nurse?!"
Suddenly the stupid nurse came back with Claire,who was wearing a bow in her hair.She didn't seem to like it.
"Doesn't she look cute?"asked Nurse Baker as she handed Claire back to Emilie.Claire's response to this was to throw the bow off of her hair.
"Does that answer your question?"asked Emilie as Gladstone laughed.
"I'll go get everybody."sighed Nurse Baker thinking how cute Claire looked with the bow in her hair.
"She looks so much like me."said Gladstone.He didn't know if he was bragging or not.
"Expect for the eyes."pointed out Emilie.
"That's true.Do you think she inherit my luck?"
"Do you want her to inherit your luck?"asked Emilie.Gladstone didn't know.He didn't have much time to think  about that as a lot of people came into the hospital room.They were the same people who were there when Emilie laid the egg that Claire was in.Matilda,Ludwig,Scrooge,Donald,Della,Annebelle, Danielle, Izzy,Kelly, and Mrs.Beakley.Expect this time,they were joined by Daisy,Huey, Dewey, Louie,Webby,May,June,Pahooey, and Donna.
"Look Pahooey!Look Donna!"said May. "It's our new cousin!"
"What's the little one's name?"asked Matilda.
"Claire Daphne Gander."said Emilie.
"Oh.What a cute name."said  Matilda.Gladstone felt guilty.He had a feeling that Aunt Matilda was hoping that they would name their daughter after her.
"Hey,what's this?"asked Webby finding the bow that Claire threw off.
"The bow that the nurse put on Claire.She threw it off."explained Emilie.
"Oh,don't be silly."said Daisy as she put the bow back on Claire. "She can't throw it off." Claire threw it off.
"You were saying?"laughed Annebelle.
"But she looked so cute."complained Daisy.After a while it was time for everybody to leave,leaving Emilie, and Gladstone alone with Claire.

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 4Where stories live. Discover now