Ghosts of the Past

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"Okay,everything's all set."said Steelbeak gesturing towards the Ouija board, and the planchette that went with it.But Walt looked nervous.
"I don't know about this."said Walt.
"Look, I know Lilith is a demon,but think about what will happen if we succeed.Claire dies, and there's a high possibility that Emilie, and Gladstone will divorce.Couples who lose a child usually get a divorce."
Walt smiled.If Emilie, and Gladstone got a divorce,not only would it show Emilie not to give her heart to the first person who turned her head,but the family would have to choose a side.Again.
"Let's do this."said Walt walking towards the table.
"Good."said Steelbeak as he, and Walt put their hands on the planchette.
"Can we talk to Lilith?"Steelbeak asked the Ouija board.The planchette went towards yes.
"Is Lilith here?"Steelbeak continued.The planchette moved only to return to yes.
"Great.Walt,here, and I got a favor to ask you."said Steelbeak. "You wouldn't mind possessing this Raggedy Anne doll would you?"The planchette went towards no.
"What?Why not?"demanded Steelbeak. The Ouija board spelled out m-e-n.
"What?"said Steelbeak.
"Lilith doesn't like men"explained Walt.Steelbeak thought for a while,thinking about everything that he learned about Lilith.
"Look,"said Steelbeak after a while. "I know you don't like men, but you like killing children,specifically newborns, and Walt, and I went to send you to a couple with a newborn baby."
Nothing happened.The Ouija board spelled out o-k-a-y.Suddenly the lights in the room started to flicker on, and off as the temperature got lower.Then the Ouija board spelled out i-a-m-i-n.
"In the doll?"asked Steelbeak.Suddenly the Raggedy Anne doll levitated, and threw itself at Steelbeak.
"Yup.Well,good bye."said Steelbeak.
"Wait,wouldn't Emilie,and Gladstone notice that the doll came from Egypt?"said Walt,suddenly realizing the flaw in the whole plan as he, and Steelbeak got up from the table with the doll.
"No,because we're sending it directly to the Duckburg Post Office,where Negaduck is waiting,where he'll send the package to them from Daisy."
"Yeah.If Emilie, and Gladstone don't get a divorce,then they have somebody to blame for their kid's death."said Steelbeak as he put the package in the mailbox.

* * *

The doorbell rang at the Gander household.When Gladstone opened the door,he noticed a package on the doorstep.
"What is it,Gladdy?"asked Emilie,who was feeding Claire.
"A package from Daisy."said Gladstone.
"A package from Daisy?Why didn't she just give us the gift in person?"
"Don't know."said Gladstone as he began to open the box.
"What is it?"asked Emilie walking up to Gladstone with Claire in her arms.
"A Raggedy Anne doll."said Gladstone.Claire looked at it.There was something wrong with it.Something she didn't like.Claire began to cry.
"Claire,what's wrong?"asked Emilie.But Claire continued to cry.
"Maybe she wants Daddy's attention."said Gladstone reaching out for Claire.When Claire was in Gladstone's arms,she buried her face in his chest.
"I think it's the doll."said Emilie.
"Well,it is creepy.Maybe we should get rid of it."
"But what Daisy,and Donald come over, and Daisy ask about the doll?"
"Okay.Then,we'll hide the doll."suggested Gladstone.Emilie thought.
"Yeah,that makes sense. We can keep it in the box, and hide underneath the couch."said Emilie.Her parents might of thought that was a good idea,but Claire felt that wouldn't be enough.

                                   * * *

It was nighttime.It was time for Lilith to make her move.When she emerged from the doll, she was looked like what Jessica Rabbit would like if she was a duck.
Lilith had long red hair,a very short green dress that looked like scales, and scandal high heels.Lilith smiled,an evil smile,as she began to walk upstairs.She knew what she was going to do.Too bad there was four people who were going to get in her way.
"Are you kidding me?"snapped Lilith as she saw the people who were in the way. Emilie, and Gladstone's late parents.The very sight made her reveal her true form,the red hair turning into fire that spread from her new head,a dragon head,to her new tail,which was made from her scales that came from her dress.While her legs turned into goat's legs.
"What is she doing here?"asked Emilie's mother,Suzanne.
"It's alright,"said Emilie's father,Hubert. "She can't get to Claire if we're here."
"Are you serious?"said Goostave. "She is a demon!"
"So true."said Lilith,returning to her disguise. "I may not be able to get the child,but I can get to her father."
"Don't worry,"said Daphne. "I'll wake her up.Wake up Claire,wake up sweetheart.Wake up."Claire woke up.She had no idea why the nice people around her woke her up.But if they wanted her to wake up,there had to be a reason.
"Claire,we need you to cry."said Goostave.Now Claire was confused.Cry?She didn't want to cry.Suddenly,Suzanne began to poke her.Being a ghost,she was cold, and Claire didn't like it,so Claire cried.
Lilith was almost to Gladstone, and Emilie's room when Claire began to cry.Unfortunately for her,it was Gladstone who was the one who went to see what Claire wanted.
"Whatever."said Lilith,turning back to her actual form. "I have more than one backup plan."Lilith raised one of her claws, and created a small black circle, and aimed it towards Emilie. "If I kill both of the girl's parents,then she'll be facing the same fate as her parents!"

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 4Where stories live. Discover now