Chapter 1

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A/N: Well that is it. It's a story I really wanted to write a long time ago. Never had the courage to really write it. I was inspired by the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I hope you love my story.

[Disclaimer Copyright- my story is inspired by The Harry Potter franchise.]


Dear Ranine,
Reconsidering your last owl, you are absolutely right. After graduation we didn't met and I do miss you terribly. That's why I would be very pleased to invite you to a little tea party. And I won't mind bringing your cousin. It would be an opportunity to meet her. But I would be pleased to let you know that another person is going to crash our party, and that is Harry Potter, you might know him from Hogwarts. He would be joining us. I am waiting for your answer my little puff. And please do send my congratulations to Mr Weasley and the new Miss Weasley. Granger and Weasley were always the perfect match. I hope to see you soon.

~with love
   Draco Malfoy


"Merlin's Beard!" Shouted a girl from upstairs. She came out of her room, grabbing the owl in one hand and the other holding the staircase in order not to fall. She burst into a beautifully decorated living room, where a man and a young lady were sipping some tea quietly.

"Bloody hell Ranine! You almost gave us a heartache. I hope that excitement of yours do have a purpose. You could have ruined my new dress." Ranine squeezed next to her and showed her the letter. "We are invited to a cup of tea in my friend's house. And you won't believe who will be joining us..... Harry Potter . Yara you remember Harry Potter, my crush since my first day at Hogwarts. Exciting isn't it?"

Yara didn't say anything, she kept drinking her tea quietly "I must have heard you wrong, you said we are going to the tea party? I don't see my name mentioned in your owl."

Ranine rolled her eyes and said "Rubbish! Look what he wrote: I would be very pleased to invite you to a little tea party. And I won't mind bringing your cousin. It would be an opportunity to meet her." Yara was left quiet.

"What's wrong" Asked Ranine worried. Yara looked at her father "you out of all people know how I hate these type of meetings. But I don't mind chaperoning you. It would be a great opportunity to meet your little friend."

Ranine hugged her cousin and kissed her cheeks "oh you are making me the happiest girl in the universe. Uncle Roger you obviously know who I am talking about." The man stood up and walked to the window "no ranine I don't."

Ranine sat up straight and added "since my first day at Hogwarts he always protected me from bullies. Even though he has a bad reputation but he is so kind when you start to really know him. His name is Draco Malfoy." Roger looked at her unbelievably "Draco Malfoy? Son of Lucius Malfoy? My
Old friend from Hogwarts. For Salazar sake! He must have grown and be a true man."

Ranine giggle and grabbed her cousin's hands "and he's single my dear cousin." She winked at her in a creepy way. Yara stood up and started to walk around the room. "And if he is single.... What does that help me in life?"

Ranine was surprised and asked "don't you want to find a husband?! Don't you want to start your own family?!" Yara glanced at her cousin awkwardly and added "anyways.... You seem more excited to meet the famous Harry Potter more than to meet your best friend."

Ranine jumped and clapped her hands "oh my! I am going to be in a room with him! I-.... I should go find and dress! Right away!" She run out of the living room.

As soon as she left, yara run to her father "father! She is going mad! How could she even consider him as a husband?! Because of him Cedric died! Her own brother died between his arms?! And she see him not as only a hero but a husband?!"

Roger sighed "she is madly in love with him my dear. The feelings of a person can sometimes control his whole brain even his body! I think you are quite right.... But in the end it's her choice and her life and I know you will be there for her? Am I right?"

Yara nodded. "Father.... I have a question. Why do people want to get married so badly?" Roger chuckled "oh my dear the best feeling in the world is love. Trust me one day when you will fall in love with someone. You will have sleepless nights thinking of him."

The young lady scoffed and sat down, holding a book on her hand and answered "Don't make me laugh! Me?! In love?! I don't think so. Oh father, mind if I remind you I am a Veela. No man in this world will ever take my attention." Roger shrugged his shoulders while leaving the room "your grandmother said the same thing and look at her she married your grandfather."

Yara shut the book brutally. And started to go around circles in the living room. She was frustrated of what she just heard. 'A tea party?! Really?! And with my cousin's killer?! Oh Cedric where are you when I need you the most?'


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