Chapter 2

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A/N: I am about to kill myself because of all the studies. Literally I hate school. The only reason I go because of the drama that happens there. Anyways..... enjoy chapter 2 my loves.

"And why are you so mad about that may I ask?" Said a voice quite confused. "Oh Merlin's beard Potter! I don't know the girl. All I heard is that she used to study in beauxbatons and she is a Veela. She is the daughter of my father's best friend. Connect the puzzles for god's sake! She's sure one of those spoiled little daddy's girl. And besides I don't like to get introduced to new people. My standards are way higher-..."

Harry chuckled "come on Malfoy. Cut it off and give the poor girl a chance. If it's not for her but for your best friend. I always heard about Ranine, never met her.... Oh wait.... I did talk to her once or twice at the library.... Quite a cute and funny girl, yet she's shy." Draco rolled his eyes "you think i'm joking around?! You think it's funny? A complete stranger is coming to my manor!"

Harry Potter stood up and laid the Daily Prophet on the coffee table in front of him "like I said give the poor girl a chance.... And besides you cannot be an introvert for the rest of your life. You must marry someone and then make love and have many kids with her."

Draco scoffed "I don't have time for this kind of rubbish in my life. I will find a way to provide to my dear parents an heir but I will never ever think of marrying someone." Harry waked to him and asked curiously "and how will you provide an heir if that's so?"

Draco rubbed his friend's back and replied "oh Harry. I have everything I ever wanted. I am wealthy and I have money-..." Harry shouted with frustration "if you think that you can buy a baby than you are utterly wrong!"

Malfoy whined and sat on the couch laying his heavy head on the sofa's board. "Why do you always enjoy ruining my plan? Since we are ennemies at Hogwarts till now. I thought we made peace."

"Money can't buy you everything . It cannot buy you love!" Harry added.

"I dont want love! Love is just a waste of time! I wouldn't go and introduce to every girl in this damn wizarding world to find the one for me! Besides Astoria Greengrass will of course do as I wish. She is all over me. And you mate.... You need to find a girlfriend. I heard that you and Ginny didn't work out."

Harry sighed "yeah.... It turns out we really weren't meant to be." "And what's next?" Asked Draco. Harry shrugged his shoulders "wait. I will soon find my soulmate. I know she is there somewhere, but why isn't she coming?"

Draco rolled his eyes with disgust "you see why I hate love. You start talking all romantically and it's disgusting. Look mate, take my advice. Go and live your life without a girl nagging under your ear. Be a free bird and don't follow the cage."

As the boys were talking, someone burst into the living room "Draco!" Said a man who is similar to Draco. "Yes father?" "I just received an owl from my dear old friend Roger. He is inviting us next week to dine at his place."

Draco shrugged his shoulders "and should I be concerned?" Lucius slapped him on his head "I always go visit him, and it caught my attention a beautiful lady close to your age, so gentle and so educated. A true lady-...."

"I know what this conversation is going to end up." Draco interrupted him. "I want an heir Draco. If you won't go and find yourself a wife than I will do it. And do not even think talking to your mother because we both decided what we should do to you." Harry laughed his heart out "look.... I am not going to live forever, and I want to see you happy with the right girl and she will raise your children and you will live happily ever after."

Draco smirked "I never saw your poetic side father. Look.... I don't want to get married because none of the girls I ever met is decent . For god's sake! They are all spoiled and stupid and-...." Lucius shouted at his son "that's it! I heard enough of your rubbish Draco! If you don't find a wife than I will do it myself!"

Lucius glared at him for the last time and walked away while slamming the drawing-room door. "Unbelievable! How could he do this?! Who does he think he is?!" Draco shouted . Harry raised his eyebrows "he's your father Draco and he knows what'a good for you. So you better do what he is telling you unless you want to end up with a girl like Astoria."

Draco sat on the couch and poured some fire whiskey in his cup "woman! They ruin our lives! They take our liberty! And kids they take all our times! I can't live like this! I want to be free...."

Harry sat down and raised his two hands "I won't talk anymore because the more I try to convince you the more I feel it's useless. You really do have a stubborn mind. May god bless your future wife and give her the patience she needs."

"You are all pathetic, going after girls so you could marry?!" He drank the whole cup in one shot and went to his bureau. He took a paper and a quill and sat next to his friend "I will make a contract. If I ever fall in love with a girl for the next year, I will give you anything you ever wanted. BUT..... if I don't fall in love, than you will be my servant for a whole month."

Harry hesitated first, but then a smirk formed on his face and the boys shook hands. Each of them signed the paper and Draco put it back in his drawer. "And like always the universe is going to be on my side." Said proudly Harry.

Draco laughed "oh will see about that mate." And he winked at him while pouring some fire whiskey for his friend.


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