Chapter 5

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A/N: I hope you are all loving my story. I swear it's one of my best stories. And if you are a fan of Harry Potter of check my other story called "The devil's sister". Enjoy chapter 5.

"Wake up Yara! Wake up!" Yara opened her eyes softly only to see Ranine standing on top of her. She pulled her Draco over her and groaned "for Salazar's sake Ranine! Let me sleep.... *yawn* I am still tired." Ranine started to shake her "come on Yara! I need your help!" Whined Ranine.

"Give me five more minutes!" Added Yara bothered. Ranine rolled her eyes. "You are making me take dreadful measures." She mumbled under her breath. She took off her shoes and got in the bed and started to jump around "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Screamed Ranine.

Yara took off her draps brutally and glared at Ranine. She took her wand that was beside her and aim it towards her cousin "I am going to hex you if you don't get out of my bedroom in 5 seconds!" Ranine got down of the bed scared and run out of the bedroom.

Yara went back and laid in bed while whining 'ught! Now that I am awake not even Salazar himself will get me back to sleep.' She walked to the bathroom to brush her hair and to wash her face. Put on one of her robes and went down downstairs.

She walked to the drawing room only to see Ranine hiding behind her uncle "Uncle check if her wand is with her! I swear she told me she wants to kill me!" Roger laughed. Yara giggled. She looked at her left only to see her Uncle Amos and her aunt. "Uncle Amos?" She run to him and hugged him tight. "Oh I missed you terribly! How is Bulgaria?"

Her aunt laughed and answered "a lot colder than here. But we enjoy it there. I see you are taking care of my little Samar and Ranine." Yara nodded and said "of course we are taking care of them!" Amos added "if only they accepted to come with us to Bulgaria. But they didn't want to leave you guys."

The drawing room door opened again only to see Half sleepy Samar and half sleepy laeticia . They two little girls yawned and rubbed their eyes. Once they finally were awake, they went and hugged Amos and his wife. "Daddy daddy! In four months I will go to Hogwarts! And be in Hufflepuff! Isn't that exciting!! Isn't that exciting?!" Exclaimed Samar.

"And uncle, Daddy said he is going to buy me an owl! Cant you believe that?! Can you believe that?!" Amos laughed "well you two seem excited. Samar? Are you enjoying staying here my dear?" Samar nodded and replied "of course! Uncle Roger and Aunty Martha are taking good care of me! I want to stay here!"

Mrs Diggory kissed her little daughter's forehead and said "sure you can stay here! But we won't be long in Bulgaria. The minute your father finish all his work there we are coming back." Ranine and Samar hugged their parents .

Few hours later, after everyone went to their own business. Yara went and prepared herself for the pathetic tea party she was invited too. She went and wear her black long dress while leaving her long brown hair on her shoulders and was putting some light make up. She took from her drawer a pair of long black gloves. She started to wear the left one. When she was wearing the right now, she couldn't help but stare at the dark mark that's on her arm for the past years. She pulled the gloves up to hide her mark from everyone, embarrassed of her mistakes, only to be interrupted by Ranine rushing to her room and cried on Yara's lap.

Yara afraid of what might Ranine be crying about ask worried if everything is okay. Ranine answered "nothing is working properly today! I messed up my make up several times. Harry will surely think I am ugly. I can't imagine what he will say if he ever see me in this condition!"

Yara went and grabbed a handkerchief, wiping her cousin's tears and let her sit on a chair and said to her "let's be honest Ranine you were never good in fashion.let me do the magic and make you irresistible." After helping her with her hair and make up. Ranine looked at herself in the mirror and hugged Yara tight thanking her a million time.

The girls went down stairs to join the others. "You two look ugly" said Samar jealous. Yara smirked and added "you are just jealous because of how beautiful we are, unlike you." Samar groaned and stuck her tongue out. "Yara looks ugly but Ranine looks beautiful" added Laeticia. "Girls how about you go play outside and leave us alone." Asked Roger glaring at them. They didn't have the nerves to disobey and walked out of the house.

Martha was hugging Ranine tight and explaining to her how to catch Harry's attention. While Ranine was listening excitedly, Yara on the other hand was worried and scared. 'Draco.... Draco Malfoy.... everyone is talking about him and the more I hear of his name the more I hear of his stories.... what is he hiding?'

Roger cleared his voice and looked at his daughter "there's no need to be nervous my dear. If you feel uncomfortable come back home. But I beg you take my advice and give the boy a chance. You won't loose anything." Yara nodded without saying anything. She knew if she want to say something they won't take her opinion.

"Father....  who is Draco Malfoy?" Yara asked softly. Roger looked at her confused "I have told you yesterday he's the-....." Yara interrupted and explained "I didn't mean it like this... who he really is and what has he ever done." Roger looked away "I don't think I have the right to say anything about his life. It's up to him to tell you. Why don't you ask him?"

Yara scoffed "I rather die." She said. As Roger wanted to say something, Martha interrupted and exclaimed "oh good lord! You are going to be late! I am waiting for you to come back so I can hear all the details." Ranine laughed and assured her "don't worry aunty, I will tell you everything." Yara put on her long black cloak and glanced for the last time at her father.

Roger nodded to her and said for the last time "like I say. Give him a chance." Ranine winked "do not worry about that uncle. I will make sure they talk to each other." Yara smiles awkwardly. The girls walked out of the manor. They walked in the garden few steps before they apparated.


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