Wed, 25th March.

31 0 2

How can I fix this? Two months into my relationship and there's already separation problems. I don't know what to do. If I confront him, he could get mad and leave. If I do nothing, I get upset because he's not here and its just a mess. I want to be able to fix this. He means the world to me..
Honestly guys, its sappy but he's perfect. I want a happy relationship with this dude, but how can I do that when we rarely even talk?
This always happens.. After a while you start getting ideas in your head. Is it me? Did I do something again? Is it because I've become too clingy? How can I change? How can I stop feeling like I've done something wrong and you're just stalling the inevitable break up? These questions go round and round in your head until they're all you can think about, day in day out.
It drives you mad. It makes you think that you shouldn't even bother talking to him about it because it'll just make him leave you for being too clingy. What do I do..?

What do we do, Noe..? I don't want to lose you too..

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