June 24th.

25 4 3

It's the hardest thing in the world to get up after being knocked down only to be put down by the very people you've come to love.

To be insulted by the people you thought were friends, to be called fat and ugly by your own family, to be shoved down into the dirt while everyone just laughs.

What can you do? Walk away? Fight back? Yeah sure, fighting sounds like a good idea but when it comes down to it and you're staring up at the one that pushes you down again and again, we all know what's gonna happen. Walk away? How many times are you prepared to walk away, to turn your back on people before you finally give up?

There's no proper way to handle people who hurt you.. If there were I'd love to hear it..

Even I get pushed down from time to time. And I give up too many times.. I let what my sister said affect me in so many ways. She called me fat, and I know most people think it's only girls that go through this but the truth is,  guys do too. Guys get affected and stop eating all together. Guys get pushed down and sometimes we can't get back up..

Sometimes we stay down forever..

And some of you may think it's only my sister being a ailing,  but I assure you she is far worse. Laughing at my pain, calling me fat and ugly, pointing out my every flaw..

"Max why don't you get a job" "You should stop eating, I did you a favor by throwing away that cake mother brought you"

Does it ever end...?

Does the pain ever go away?

Do we turn on the people we call family and live alone?

Right now.. Living alone sounds like such a great idea..

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