October 10th

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"Lo importante es que hablen de ti, aunque sea bien."- The important thing is that people talk about you, even if they speak well.

When in your mind do you think, enough is enough? What point must one cross to make you snap? Every one of us has that point inside us that, some use for the better and some use for the worst. 

I've witnessed both and i find it slightly interesting to see the different reactions. We are all stronger than most us give ourselves credit for. It take real inner strength to be the bigger person and walk away from a bad situation. It takes true courage to not only talk away, but doing so with your head held high. 

Have you ever seen, a signer, a actor or even a writer and just wished you could do things they do? Like, in an action movie, you see the main character fighting on, doing amazing things and you just watch with wide eyes their every move and want to be like them. Now, i'm not saying you should because.. well that'd be a bloody mess. Not all of us have stunt doubles neither are we professionals. 

So as i sit here, munching on a sandwich i think of what my snapping point would be..  Because on most occasions i'm not one to use my fights but i don't let little scrotums say what they like and get away with it. 

We all want to be the best we can be, we all want to stand out in our own way yet we have people around us pushing us back into our cages. But one day we all break free, one day we show everyone who's every put us down that we don't belong in cages, that we are our on person. 

So, what I'm saying today in this.. sort of journal is that.. Break free. If someone knocks you down, you get back up and walk away with your head held high. You are a human being, you are person just as much as anyone else is. You do not need to be treated like the scum when really you're stronger than those who put you down. 

Break free my little cuddlers. Be safe out there for it is a dangerous yet exciting adventure that we call life. We'll have bumps in the road, we'll come across obstacles in every direction, but you are meant to follow your path and there is no one who will stop you.

Some may read this and think that their path has closed for them but i know for a fact that it truly hasn't, the path just hasn't been discovered yet. Follow your dreams Cuddlers. Respect those who deserve it and always.. always respect yourself the most.

May the odds of our crazy world be forever in your favor.

"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente"

Whatever the eyes don´t see, the heart doesn´t feel. Out of sight out of mind, they say.

Human nature is such that our heart usually fails to engage in matters which are not immediate to us or which we don´t experience directly.

 No es tan bravo el león como lo pintan

The lion is not as fierce as it is made out to be.


Thank you for reading, even if it isn't much. I had to get this off my chest because a few friends of mine are going through tough times and i know people out there don't have people who can help them. That it what i plan to do for each and everyone of you. Enjoy life Cuddlers, for you get to do so once. x 

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