Update (1):

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Thank you for the comments and votes! I absolutely love seeing them! As you know, I have the Catty Noir x Werecat Reader already published, and the other requests are unpublished so far. I got a private message asking me what my schedule is, so here you go:

I will get every request up to the 10th chapter before moving on to the next one.

Then, I will update every book one chapter at a time.

These stories are meant to be enjoyed and read with caution. If you are not mature enough to handle these books, or if they contain triggering things, then it is completely okay to not read them. I do not mind.

For those of you saying that I don't understand your triggers, you're right. I do not know your triggers, which is why I put anything that could be considered triggering in the book description.

Please do not try to make me feel guilty for you getting triggered, because it will not work. I don't care if you get triggered, because I have already warned you. If you proceed, even with my warnings, you are then responsible for your own triggers.

I'm sorry that things have happened to you. I really, really am. I understand that bad things happen to people, but do not put your triggers on me. That is for you to handle. No, it isn't fair. But unfortunately that's how things are. I will not stop writing just because you are unable to stop when you're supposed to.

To those if you enjoying these books, thank you. Your support means so much to me. It shows me that even though i feel certain ways, others enjoy the good things that I make. I love you, all of you.

Have a good day❤️

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