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Hey! So I saw a comment asking why doesn't (Y/N) tell anyone about Cleo's abuse? Well, here's the answer:

(Y/N) is very disliked and easy to control because no one enjoys her presence. So, if (Y/N) were to tell someone, no one would be able to support her. She has 0 evidence, and she has 0 support. Also, (Y/N) doesn't want to admit that she is being abused. She would rather not pay it any attention to save herself from the trauma. She feels like it's better to ignore it, because even her own brain doesn't want to admit it happened.

When going through something traumatic, the victim often doesn't want to acknowledge it. The victim usually would rather "cross that bridge when they get to it", and eventually just ignore the problem all together. It's difficult to get a victim who is in shock to admit the truth, because that means that they would have to admit that they were abused, raped, molested, manipulated, used, or whatever else happened.

Trauma isn't as easy as "telling the teacher". It takes years of acceptance, and (Y/N) isn't ready to accept it yet. Besides, the only one that would believe her is Jax, anyway.

On a different note, I've decided to create a separate book for the holiday themed chapters! I'll create it when it gets closer to Christmas.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for everyone's support!!!

The next story to be created is the Lagoona one! Everyone have a good day/night!! I love all of you!!

Q&ATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang