viente cinco.

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It was an all-out brawl. You, Futaba, and Kaito alongside all the other missing ninjas were able to defeat the all-powerful ninja. You even discovered some new Justus from your new power.

"(y/n), what's up with your eyes?" Futaba asked confused and concerned.

"My eyes?"

"Yeah (y/n). They look a little funky." Kaito chimed in.

"Cut it out. What do they look like?"

"Red with black orbs around your pupil? With little tails to the side. There's two in each eye."

"My eyes are red? Maybe it happened when I passed out. I - "

That was when you remembered about the Sharingan. Every Uchiha gets them at some point in their lives. You never did so you and your parents just figured either it would happen eventually or never. You'd completely forgotten about it. And now you got it. It's a crazy feeling, to say the least, to feel this powerful. 

You were starting to understand how some people could grow hungry for power. But, the last thing you wanted to do was to disappoint Rose in becoming that kind of guy. She'd definitely leave you alone for good. 

"It's the Sharingan."

"The Sharingan?!" The replied in unison.

"I can't believe we get to see it. And we were there when you first get it." Futaba kept looking at your eyes fascinated. 

"I completely forgot about it since most from my clan get the Sharingan pretty young."

"Yeah. Why the delay?" Kaito asked placing his hands on his hips slightly confused.

"Who knows. But at least now, we're that much stronger. And, we were able to find all the missing ninjas and take this guy down; together. Let's bring this guy back to Konoha."


It took a few weeks, but you and your team were able to get most of the missing ninjas back home, including some from your village. When returning back home, you three went straight to the Hokage to put the powerful ninja in Konoha prison. 

"I can't believe you three were able to find who was behind the missing ninjas and actually saved all of them. And disobeyed the orders of your original mission."

"As team leader, I'm ready to take full responsibility for whatever punishment you want to give. But as a ninja of the leaf village, there was no way I was going to come back home without my comrade. We worked very hard to get to this spot. We knew we weren't ready and fought anyway, not only for our comrade but for everyone else who was in danger. Our mission changed, so we had to react accordingly. We reacted with what we thought was best at the time."

". . . You got guts."

You stood there silent, not knowing what the Hokage was going to say next. 

"You three are penalized from the next three missions. After that, you three will be able to go on letter B missions."

You, Kaito, and Futaba were thrilled to hear that you were no longer doing only C-ranked missions. 

The first thing you wanted to do after the news was to run over to Rose's. But you were so tired and everyone was still injured so you went straight home to sleep. 


The next morning, you woke up feeling pretty good. You accomplished a big mission and you were excited to go over to Rose. You had breakfast with your parents and told them pretty much everything that happened.

"That's amazing son. I knew you could pull your own. You just gotta keep believing you can and you will." It was great to hear from your dad how proud he was. It was nice to feel like all the hard work was paying off in some ways. 

"I agree with your father. The more you believe the farther you can go. You see all these terrible people getting places because they believe in themselves."


"What?" She pauses to look at your dad. "Did I say something wrong? It's the truth!" You and your dad started cracking up at your mom's expression. You also took this moment to explain to your parents that your Sharingan came.

"Mom, Dad, I got my Sharingan during the last mission too."

"Laaate bloomeeeer!"


"Your father is right. We didn't think you'd ever get it honestly."

"Me neither. But I do feel a lot stronger."

"Be responsible son. Stuff like that can make people go power-hungry. Look at that Sasuke kid."

"That's something I would have said." Your mom replied sounding surprised.

"You know I'm nothing like Sasuke, Dad."

"Yes but he's an Uchiha like us and he wanted power and revenge for our clan. I know you're not like that but when you feel that kind of power going through you, it can change a person. So, be careful son."

You didn't expect your dad to sound sentimental towards the end but he's right, this is something to be mindful of. You wanted to get stronger but not at the expense of losing yourself. 

After breakfast, you kinda rushed over to see Rose; you couldn't contain your excitement over the mission. Plus, you were happy to see her. You rang the doorbell and there she was.

"Good morning, Rose."

"Good morning, (y/n). How was the mission?"

"A success. And you won't believe what happened."

You offered a morning walk and she agreed. As you two were walking around, you explained to her Kaito going missing, you getting pummeled by that powerful ninja despite how embarrassing it can be, and even explained getting the Sharingan.

"Can I see it?"

"My Sharingan?"

"Yeah! It has to be cool."

"Um, I'll try. Not exactly sure how it works yet." You tried to think back to the moment when you were unconscious on the cave floor, the helplessness you felt but the wanting to save your friends. You focused on that feeling and felt the same sensation of power again and opened your eyes.

"Whoooa. . .(y/n). . .you look completely different."

"I feel different. I remember when I was little everyone talked about the sharingan. But, I never really cared much for it. Now that I have it, I wanna be responsible like my dad suggested."

Hearing how mature you sounded, Rose raised her eyebrows looking pleasantly surprised.

"That's very mature of you to say. You sure you're (y/n)?"

"Haha, very funny Rose."

"You know I'm kidding."

"I know. . . it is nice to see you though. Thinking of you helped me a lot throughout the mission."

"Oh yeah? You don't say." You paused to hear her giggle and admire her before asking her what you've been wanting to ask for a long time now. 

"Can I take you out sometime?"

"Like a date?"

"Exactly like a date."

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