14th Salvo [Hearts of Iron]

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"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

—William Congreve


Everything felt oddly calm as of late... Bismarck wasn't quite sure what to make of this feeling of serenity that continued to plague his processor ever since the Blue Steel fleet arrived at the shores of Honolulu and successfully handed over the blueprints for the vibration warhead. It was quite surprising that the Americans were willing to let rogue Fleet of Fog mental models live on their land, the people in question just summed it up to the Americans being thankful for the gift that would allow them to strike back against the overwhelming power of the futuristic fleet. So you may find yourself asking a question... where is everyone right now? Well, that is indeed a good question. And... nobody really knows the answer. Bismarck, Haruna, Kirishima (who was still in Yotaro's body), Makie and even Kongou have all temporarily detached themselves from the Blue Steel fleet and have been living in a single two-story home together for a few weeks now. Gunzou, Iona, Hyuuga and Takao have sailed off-shore and only recently has Bismarck lost contact with them. They were still alive, just... out of range at the moment. 

But back to our main character. What could the great king of the ocean, the beast made of steel be doing at this very moment? Sinking his code-driven brethren? Bathing in a pool of blood? Haha, oh no that is all past now... well except the bathing in blood part, he never did that. Yuck! No, you see, the great and terrible leader of the Kriegsmarine was currently... making himself a quick snack. No, not in the form of someone's soul, just some garlic bread with cheese. 

The man in question was dressed in a black t-shirt that had the head of a cute cartoony bear drawn on it, grey sweatpants and pink slippers. Oh and he was also wearing an apron that said: "KISS THE COOK" in capital letters. It was quite the sight to see although every resident of the household has already gotten used to the strange sight. Not that talking, walking pink bear was anything to overlook either, just seeing someone with a reputation for being a ruthless killing machine be so carefree was... new. Although a normal person could say the same about everyone from the Fog. Takao was a goddamn tsundere for crying out loud! And Kongou, she was as much of a surprise as Bismarck. It took some time for Haruna and Kirishima to get used to her presence, they still haven't managed to fully do so. Makie however was all over the blonde goth, styling her hair in a billion different ways that made Haruna shiver at a not so distant memory of when Makie did the same to her. Bismarck had surprisingly no issue with the new addition who pretty much attached herself to him at any given moment. This did not go unnoticed by another blonde of the group who didn't exactly enjoy the sight of someone else throwing herself onto Makie's father figure. 

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