{Chapter 1} Masked Ball

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Amity was studying in the library, she was a princess, princess's we're suppose to study, learn courtesy and do as they were told.
And amity did, she balanced books on her head as she walked, she learned how to curtsy, which was crossing her ankles a bit and bending down lifting her dress a bit and leaning her head down to a higher power like emperor belos.
Amity's family was rather fond of emperor belos, not of what he has accomplished no but the money, amity's mother was a trainer, she made abomination armies an sold them, to the emperor and to whomever the emperor said to, which were his loyal subjects in different parts of the world called
The Emperor's Covens.
Amity's goal was to become a head witch of one of them, preferably the animation one, which was filled at the moment but she knew she could surpass the current head witch in the future, she had to, it was what was expected of her after all.

As amity studied she then saw a maid walk in, she sat up turning to the maid as the maid then spoke
"Your parents the queen and king request an audience with you princess."
Amity sighed and stood dusting off
"Very well, tell them I will be there right away"
And with that the maid left, amity got up and checked her hair before she haded to her parents thrones in which they always where.

Once she arrived her the maid announced her arrival
"The princess has arrived"
And with that amity walked in bowed to them doing a courtesy, her mother watched and nodded
"amity, we have a very important matter to discuss, you have come of age for marriage, as have many other young prince and princess's, tonight at the masked ball I request you dress up and go to find your new suitor" she said calmly

Amity's heart skipped a beat, she despised suitors, they never married.for love, they marriage for riches, advantages to their families, amity, oh amity wanted to marry for love, she wanted someone to take her on cute little dates, dance with her somewhere romantic, she always read romance books and always dreamed of the most amazing lover, someone who took good care of her, but her parents wanted someone who was handsome, preferably a prince that would give them many things

Amity looked up at her parents as they awaited for her answer, she gulped down the response she wanted to tell, she wanted to scream and refuse
'No! I do not wish to marry a man I meet, I won't even see his face tonight!'
But she drowned that response down, and spoke like the good little princess she had always been
"yes mother, I'll go get ready now.." she courtesy once again and left

She got to her room and maids went as they began helped her get dressed,
"Tonight's a big night princess, are you excited?" A maid asked
Amity just stood there, how could she be excited? Her parents were selling her off to the highest bidder really.

She got ready and took a deep breathe, she wore an elegant teal dress only the loveliest in all of bones Burrough, her hair done half up half down, and eyeliner with blush and whatnot, but finally she got a say in at least picking a mask, a white one to cover her eyes, a while face mask, or just the bottom of her face, she choose the one that covered the upper part of her face and rode of to the ball in a carriage, tonight was the night, the night she'd meet the love for the rest of her life...

"Luz" the maid whined
"your mom and summoned you 8 times since breakfast"

Luz was training with the knights 3 currently crushing her with wooden swords
"just a moment!" She groaned out as she shoved them off hitting their shins and finally they fell since it was what would happen if the wooden swords were real.

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