{Chapter 5} Birthday party

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Their eyes met, amity's golden perfect eyes, and Luz's hazel dark brown eyes. Just from that they knew it was the other, embarrassed to do anything Amity quickly turned to boscha who was flirting with the green witch, seeing her busy she tried her other friends but of course busy as well.

Seeing Amity turn away Luz felt As if amity's was ashamed to have her here, was being a human in the boiling isles that bad? She was now begging to think of her mother, how had her mother gone through everything she did and somehow have time for the reckless stuff Luz did anyway?
Before her thoughts could go any further she felt a soft hand drag her out from the crowd, bumping into people Luz looked for her savior but could hardly see them in the mess.

Finally outside their hands unraveled, for some reason Luz missed it, but once she saw the blight before her she Felt, a bit alward, after all they had been to war but had it interrupted only moments later, so she didn't know either to trust or be aware of the blight before her.
Amity didn't know how to talk to Luz, she was nervous, what would the human do? Would she hate her? Would she yell at her? Did she care what she had to say?
Before anything came out of the witches mouth the human spoke loud and clear

"If this is about the war I'm sorry for what happened to your parents and I'm sorry my kind would do such things-" before finishing her apology Amity inteupted
"no listen! I've been trying to explain this forever! It wasn't me! I swear it on the titan! I came home and was informed that my husband had taken the blight army and he said he had to do it! And I chased after him and that's what happened!" She said frantically

Luz listened to Amity as it made, sense, it all made sense, belos out hunter up to it so that Luz would owe him, it all came together, but seeing how upset it made amity she simply let it go.
"Amity..." She said about to speak but amity spoke quickly
"I understand if you hte me and don't want to even speak to me but I appreciate you being here with me at my birthday and you even speaking to me so thank you"

Luz sighed softly
"amity, I don't hate you. It all makes sense really so don't worry about it, this is your birthday celebration let's enjoy it" she said softly
How could she hate Amity? It wasn't her fault, she was nice when she wanted to be.

Amity sighed with relief as it all was really a big misunderstanding.
Luz could tell Amity felt bad about the whole incident so she wanted to at least be on good terms with her.

"Let's go inside, I'm sure everyone misses you"
Luz joked but she saw the look on amity's face, obviously she did not want to go back inside.
Luz of course didn't know the feeling of having prince grovel at her feet because well she looked like one herself and everyone thought humans were weird and so was she. But here Amity was, talking to her.
"Or we can hang out in the garden, I've been wanting to practice some glyphs"
Amity looked at her confused
"A what?"
Luz smiled softly
"Come I'll show you"

They both made their way to the middle of the garden as Luz combined glyphs and showed Amity different combinations and what they did. Amity seemed generally interested in the magic the human could do.

They both found a bench as Luz spoke
"Watch closely"
Luz showed her a glyphs that made flowers, she made a rose and handed it to Amity
"I forgot a gift so here's my offering"
She joked but this truly meant a lot to Amity, everyone always went out of their way to give Amity the best of the best gifts on the boiling isles, even if it was important from far across the world, but a simple in the moment gift like this made amity heart warm.

"So, it's your birthday, how old are you Turning?" Luz questioned
Amity sighed softly
"I'm afraid I'm turning 20. Only 2 more years before all the kings and princess begin throwing their selves at me to become their queen" she sighed softly, the thought really hurt.

Luz chuckled
"Really? That doesn't sound fun, I'm also 20 but I'm 100% sure no prince princess queen or king wants to make me theirs, I mean, I'm a human,weird, can't use magic, hardly a powerful kingdom at all, what benefits would they receive?" Luz said softly as if she knew nobody would marry her.

Amity looked at her sadly and blurted out
"You have so many good qualities, your outfits are amazing, you stand up for yourself an don't let what people say control your life, you lost both your parents and took on so many wars alone without any support whatsoever " she said quickly as that only made Luz smile

"Thanks, that means a lot to me" she said happily
That tone, that tone of happiness is all Amity wanted to hear, how could she make such a vulnerable being sad?

Hearing the music Luz smiled and stood up holding her hand out to Amity.
"may I have this dance?"

Amity felt her heart skip a beat, this dance wasn't out of pity or forced upon her, she instead wanted it, she truly did. With that she gently took Luz's hand and their bodies began swaying side by side.

There it was again, that feeling both of them yearned for, this was it, they knew deep down they were meant for each other.

They danced late into the night knowing the party wasn't even for Amity but for everyone to get their stress out. But for them it was a cherished moment.

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