{Chapter 3} The 5 stages of grief

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Half the kingdoms lost their parents, Amity almost lost her father but he was being healed over seas, her mother was found and it wasn't...bearable for Amity to hear.

Luz's mother, witches found her and tried healing her but, they only could heal her wounds, they checked the ships secret compartment and found a letter, they got a bird and sent it off to Luz, Luz received it but did not read it, not till her mothers funerals.
The entire time eda was bringing Luz food, having to convince her to eat, Luz didn't leave her room. The maids and butlers we're worried, the princess wasn't healthy, she was grieving.

Amity's maid had told her the day of her mothers funeral that her siblings had arrived.
They walked in seeing how tired and exhausted she looked, they both leaned down hugging her as they all shared a moment of loss.

The day of loss is what they called it, even the emperor showed up, all of the parents were set in glass coffins,
Luz stood before her mother as amity stood before her own
Luz looked at how nice and beautiful her mother looked. She lost her father to a terrible accident and now her mother?..

Amity almost lost both her parents so this was shocking, yes her mother was strict and mean at times but she still was amity's mother, she gave Amity life, she raised her.
Edric and emira stood beside her holding
"Hey, it's gonna be ok, they said dad's coming back in a week" they tried lightening the mood as amity leaned into them nodding

Eda went behind Luz and out a hand on her shoulder
"She was a good person Luz, she will never be forgotten.." she said softly
Luz teared up and nodded, if she spoke she'd break down crying, and she cried to much.

Being one of the last to leave Amity,Luz, and boscha bumped into each other, boscha had lost her mother as she was well pissed, she roughly grabbed the collar of luz's shirt
"Watch where your going human-" she said as she saw eda behind Luz and backed off scoffing annoyed

Luz sighed as amity watched and got annoyed, she went to Luz wanting to talk with her but eda glared at her thinking she was a threat as well.

Amity backed off, the human only had one parent, everyone knew, so if Luz was there then both her parents must've passed away,which Amity felt terrible for her,

Amity was grateful she still had her father..

Time passing, many kingdoms received a new king or queen barely of age now, Luz became queen but hated every bit of it, how did her mother do this and have the time to spend with her?

Eda helped the entire time, Luz's kingdom got threats and declaration of war due to some of the raiders being human raiders..

Amity's father as well, amity's father returned and once healed told them, he told them it was grusome, he was tossed overboard in the storm and almost drowned, the humans had done it, it was surely them, and being queen now Amity was fairly upset, how dare the humans do that? Why did they need to destroy everything when they had the human kingdom?

Amity arranged a meeting with Luz, she could not do it anymore

Once the meeting started Amity spoke first no introduction needed

"how dare you human scums attack the witches kings and queens?!" She yelled at Luz
Luz frightened and surprised at the sudden aggression, she got angry
"Us? Human scum?! Well if witches weren't so selfish and evil!"
Amity gasped and scoffed
"oh really? My mother is dead because of your kind!-" before Amity could speak she saw Luz's tears as Luz stood up
"my mother died the same fate so do not bring her into this!" She yelled walked out slamming the door.

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