{Chapter 7} Tea

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"Welcome Luz"

Luz went bowing and kissing Amity's hand
"Thank you for inviting me my queen"

Amity's face flushed at that 'My queen?' what did that mean, was it a human thing? She was severely flustered so she turned away and walked as Luz followed after her

"I have tea set up with snacks I believe humans can digest"
Amity had out alot of thought into this, she led Luz out to a beautiful garden, Luz saw and felt her heart melt, amity did all of this for her?

Amity led Luz and sat her down at a table that was underneath a beautiful wooden layout.luz was mezmorized .

"What kind of tea would you like?" Questioned Amity.
Luz thought
"Chamomile meal and mint please"
And within a few seconds a maid andbhtler held two different tea pots
"Which first?" Amity said calmly
"Ah mint please"

And amity made a little abomination that poured Luz's tea, Luz felt her heart ache, it was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen.
They talked about recent events, amity offered gifts to Luz to apologize for the sudden attack, she said she would repay her for any deaths of injured human hr army had done, and she was gonna make sure her army was well punished for attacking her kingdom, Luz advised that there was no need really.

Amity insisted and made a butler go get things to send to help Luz's kingdom.

Luz found it a bit much but smiled softly , amity was trying so he to be liked by the human, from all the events this really helped, Luz needed someone to actually care for it, it felt nice.

"Alright now that your settled in wish to talk to you ahout an important matter..." Amity was all calm but now was getting flustered.
"The dance we had?" Luz said sipping the tea calmly.
Amity held her face in her hands embarrassed
"Yes..you understand I'm a witch and your a human correct?"
With that Luz stood up
"I understand...I'll take my leave.."
Amity quickly got up and stopped her

Luz just knew it, amity didn't want to be with her at all..but before she knew it amity stopped her.

"No no that isn't at all what I meant!" She said quickly

uz turned to her confused
"What did you mean then?"

Amity held Luz's hand softly and her face warmed up, she took a deep breathe

"We're different..people will think badly if we did get together...but I don't care..I in fact would like to give it a try...please?" She said looking up to see Luz's reaction.
Amity knew her mother would've never approved. A human? With a witch? Unacceptable would be what her mother said.

Luz's face heatednuo, did the witch mean it? Would she give them a try? This is what Luz dreamed of, to find somebody to love, and she knew they had that bond so their relationship wiuldnt be as bad as it seemed

"amity.." Luz tried getting something out but afraid of rejection amity quickly spoke

"Ill give you whatever you want, a bigger kingdom? Money? Flowers? A garden?" She aid nervously
"I'll give you the world if you give me a chance.."
Amity said determined

Luz smiled softly and gently held amity hands and kissed her knuckles softly

"ok" Luz sad softly as amity felt the biggest relief lift off her shoulder

"Really? You mean it?" She asked looking at Luz her eyes full of hope

Luz chuckled softly and nodded cupping Amity's face

"I mean it, but I'm a human, I'm not like other witches, I'm not easy to please" she winked joking

Amity smiled happily
"Challenge accepted! I'll buy you everytimg I'll set up the best dates I promise I'll be good to you" she said determined.

Luz smiled watching amity like she was a cute an playfully puppy.
"I'm looking forward to it" she said softly as amity was brimming with joy. She would do everything her power to make the human happy, if someone was nusence to Luz she'd make them disappear, if Luz was hungry she prepare a first, anything to make Luz happy. Luz was kind, caring, in Amity's yes she was a queen but would be a goddess in hr eyes, she would grovel at her feet if she asked, she knew they were meant for another so she was not going to mess it up while she had her chance given to her.

Watching ho the witch mutve truly loved her she didn't know what to feel, she teared up abit, why would her mother say? Would her mother be proud she found love? Someone other than eda to care for her? She watched amity pace around saying things he would do for Luz which made Luz smile.

But Amit saw the tears in Luz eyes and froze quickly going to her
"Oh my, I'm sorry did I upset you? I apologize please don't sheds tears on m" she said not wanting Luz to cry over her being annoying which as why she thought was the reason
"No no, it's nothing I'm just happy" Luz said as amity smiled softly and spoke

"If you'd allow me I'd like for us to have a date, I would like for it to be a surprise for you but if you rust m then tomorrow night I would have no more honor than taking you out for the night if you'll allow me" she said on one knee like a proposal but for a date.

Luz smiled softly and nodded
"Im looking forward to it" she said happily and tea came to an end. Amity waved farewell to the human as she left in a carriage

This was it, amity found someone to love, she quickly went inside and told the chefs of specific foods to get for Luz humans couldn't digest things like witches, then the maids to get things for the date, amity was working hard, she wasn't gonna let failure in on this date.

Luz rode home as she smiled softly thinking about why amity might have in mind..she couldn't wait.

Until the date

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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