Chapter 6

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Candelle p.o.v.
I looked up to see who grabbed me it was a...NINJA!?
the ninja smiled and said near my ear
"This is the end of the line princess"
My eyes widen and I tried to get out of this ninja clutches but he was too strong.
(She thinks its a guy)
I bit his hand and he let one hand go off my mouth.
I tried to scream for help but before I could he put his hand over my mouth again but this time he put a rag in my mouth.
"You idiot!shut up!"
I started to cry.What did I ever do to deserve this...

A/ know what you've done Candelle...

Mia p.o.v.
Finally I got her!But she's so annoying! Gosh she won't shut up or stop crying. I'm going to be Happy when I'm done with her...
I grabbed her by her shirt and I jumped.
She tried to hit me but I quickly tied her up.I put her behind my back and appeared in front of the school where everyone was.

Randy p.o.v.
I was doing my homework but then I saw the ninja I saw earlier yesterday.
The she ninja.

"Hello Norisville... Long time no see am I right?"

I saw everyone stopping what they were doing and I put my book back in my backpack.

"There's a new ninja in this town and HER name is Nightmare!"
She started laughing and started to make branches come out of the ground to capture innocent students.

They all started to scream for help.

My eyes widen and I ran to the nearest place to change to a ninja.Where where where?...I saw a closet and ran inside then changed.

I came out and ran in front of her.
"nightmare! Release these innocent teens from your clutches now!or we will do it the hard way!"

She starts to laugh and I stand there like and idiot.

"Your no fun ninja... But...if you insist..."

She shrugged and let them go.then she pulled something behind her with her scraf.It was....CANDELLE!?

As I looked at Candelle she was tied up with nightmares purple scraf and crying while she was wiggling around.

"This little troublemaker won't be a troublemaker anymore...I heard what she had done to people..."
As she said that she smiled at me.

"Any last words for her...Ninja!"

I stared at Candelle and I ran towards her trying to get her but I tripped on a branch in the ground then nightmare tied me up with branches.

I tried to break free but that had a good grip on me.

"Come on Candelle...Death awaits you...on top of the school building..."

My eyes widen and so did Candelles.Nightmare ran with Candelle and they were heading upstairs.

I kept struggling to break free.
Then I see Howard running towards me.
"What the heck Howard!I thought you were sick or something."

He rolled his eyes
"I was scared to come to school today...I saw the ninja earlier and I didn't want her to get me so I stayed home saying I was sick"

I said

"Luckily I'm your saver ninja.I have a chainsaw"

I smiled but i was freaked out too...
"Why would you have a chainsaw" I questioned him scared

"That doesn't matter!"

He turned on the chainsaw and started to cut the branches.I was finally free but then I looked up and saw nightmare hanging her over the school building.

"Get ready for a show norisville... Cause this show will have a death!"
She started to laugh then I ran in the building. I ran up the stairs and I finally reached the roof.
As I got up there she turned around.

"Please don't do this'll regret killing her!"

She frowned
"What makes you think im going to regret this?..."

I started to walk slowly towards her.
"Just put down the girl nightmare...please..."

As I walked closer she pulled Candelle even more on the outside.
I froze
"Come any closer ninja...and I will let her go..."
I stopped and sighed
"What do I have to for you to let her go..."

Mia p.o.v.
I looked at him.I looked over at Candelle and she was looking at both of us.
I mentally started to have a shadow rap around the ninjas leg while he wasn't looking.
"Nothing...this is what I really want..."
I looked at candelle and smiled.
"Have fun to your death...nice knowing you..."
I stretched my arm out and I closed my eyes.
I looked at Candelle for the last time and...I let her go...

Revenge at last...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon