*Updated* My Rant b/c nobody understands my love for 1D

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Here's my little rant for the day because of the whole Zayn situation...
So I got home at 9:30 pm and I told my mom about Zayn quitting the band. She goes I know what you're going through, it will be okay, at least it's not Niall.

I'm like you don't understand mom they are my everything and Zayn just left. its Zayn. like why?!

So I started crying, again, and I went to take a shower. Well I come out and she says, and I quote, "you might want to not be so emotional about this because people might not want to be friends with you."

*inhales and exhales slowly*

First off, my mom says I understand. No you don't, you won't even buy me concert tickets to go and see them so don't tell me you understand. Like people say it's just some boyband why do you even like them.

Well they aren't just a boyband to me. when they smile, I smile. When they cry, I cry. Like they have this big effect over my emotions and I don't have a control over that. they are my world. And now 1/5 of it is gone. but I still have 4/5 left. I guess I can try to manage.

Secondly, she said some people might not like me anymore. If they were my true friends, they know that these boys are my happiness and that whatever happens to them directly effects me.

I'll end my rant there.
So here's to a new chapter in zayns life I guess....
Where were you when you found out about Zayn and what did you do?
I was in career art class and my friend showed me the post. We both started loosing it and crying. it was emotional. but my other friend is going to being me ice cream tomorrow so... yay
P.S do you guys think I should still write this story even though Zayns gone?



So today when I went to school, my friend brought me ice cream because she knew I was upset. but when I got to my locker and some of my friends were there, I told them why I was upset and they said.

"That's so stupid. why were you crying about that."

So I said "I have certain things I love and you have certain things you love. don't disrespect me because I care this much about something. you all were in this position at one point in your lives."

They said "yeah, when we were in fifth grade. we r in ninth now, grow up. You're so pathetic."

So I rolled my eyes and walked away because I didn't want to talk to them anymore. But my other friends were upset as me so it was ok. Not all my "friends" are assholes.

So that was my day........ how was your day?

-MK xx

Zayn's Sister [N.H.]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon