Chapter 5

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*Alex's pov*

"Will you move into my apartment with me in London?" He said. I really wasn't expecting it because he was really against me meeting the lads. I really don't know why.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I really miss you and I don't think that I can live so far away from my sister, my prank partner, my little soccer player." he said to me in a little kid voice. he started to give me puppy dog eyes and he knew I couldn't say no.

"Fine. but I have to enroll in school and I want to play soccer there." I said to him.

"No to school. ill get you a tutor because we are too popular there and I don't want you to get attacked. but we can see if there is a team that you can play on. I mean who wouldn't want the worlds best soccer player in the world on their team. but u won't be able to start until our next break which is fall."

"What?! How am I going to play soccer until then?" I almost yelled.

"Play with Louis. he is a professional you know." he said.

"Well do u live by a field?" I asked him hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah there's one about a mile away." he said. that was good to hear I thought. At least ill be able to shoot and all that good stuff.

"Ok Zayn. ill move in. now let's go play soccer!" I yelled running in my bare feet with my lime green under armor ball.

*zayns pov*

"Now lets go play soccer!" she yelled running with her ball onto the field. I quickly stood up and started running after her.

"Ok I'll defend this goal and u defend that one." she said and stood on her side and kicked the ball into the middle the way we always start our games.

"Ok ready?" I asked her.

"3" we both said.

"2,1" I said running to the ball catching her off guard and getting to I before she did.

"Oh I see you want to play dirty?" she said. "I can play dirty."

"Ok show me what you got."

We kicked it around for about and hour and a half. then we picked up our stuff and got back into the car.

"Wow you've gotten better than I remember." I said to her witha smile.

"So did you," she said while looking at the road. "But I still won 7-5."

"Yeah yeah don't think because you beat me your better than me." I said to her.

"Um Zayn I think that's exactly what it means." she said to me in a cocky way.

"Whatever." I said as we pulled into the driveway.




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