Chapter 56

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Alex's pov

After the doctor did some tests on me, he said he would allow all my visitors to come and see me. Which is weird because I though only Zayn and my parents would be here. But I guess that would be all my visitors.

I sat there still pondering this question when the door opened and Zayn walked in with a huge smile on his face.

"Zayn!" I yelled, so happy to see him.

"Alex, how are you feeling? You scared the hell out of me being in a coma." he said while hugging me. He let go and smiled.

"Zayn, that's what I don't know. What happened?" I asked him. After hearing this I could see his expression sadden.

"Tell me what's the last thing you remember." he said taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Well, lets see, I remember we went to McDonald's and I told the cashier off." I smirked when I told him this. I expected him to laugh too but instead he just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. And when did his hair get so long?

"I'm not really sure how to put this without you getting upset but, Alex, that was 8 months ago in December, It's August now." My heart literally stopped.

"W....what?" I stuttered. No. No. It can't be. "Ha. Ha. Zayn. Very funny, it's cute you think you can pull a prank on me like that."

"Alex I'm not kidding." He took out his phone and turned it on and handed it to me. August 16. He's right.

"Zayn, tell me what happened." I spoke quietly.

"Are you sure you want to know?' he asked me.

"Tell me."

"Well a you moved in with me at my flat. Josh, you're ex-boyfriend, and a girl plotted against you. They kidnapped you for a couple days and without the food and water, you passed out and hit your head and were in a coma" he explained slowly.

"I don't remember any of that." I said sighing. "But, then again, why would I want to remember any of it."

"It's ok." he said hugging me. "I am going to go out in the hall for a second okay?" I nodded and he left slowly closing the door behind him.

After a few minutes the door opened again.

"Alex, you remember the boys right?" I had only met them a couple times but haven't spoken to them recently.

"Yeah, I haven't talked to them in a while." I said to him. He moved out of the doorway and everyone came piling in. Jordan, Abbi, Baylee, and Dani all coming over and hugging me.

"It's been a while!" I said to them smiling.

"Yeah, it has." Jordan replied sighing.

I looked over at the boys and noticed how much they matured. It had to have been about 8 months since I last saw them.

"Harry, your hair got so long!" I said loudly causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah kinda." he shrugged his shoulders.

We all talked for little while until the visiting hours were over and everyone left.


I know, it's been forever, I'm sorry!

But, I might get to go to the Tyler Oakley tour!!!! SO PUMPED.

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-MK xx

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