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As I've noted in my updates book, this NYF will have specials. Sometimes they'll correlate to the main storyline, but most times it's an insight into the lives of the characters :)

Picture above is Eli's little sister
Btw: Listen to Keshi. His music hits <3

Eli's P.O.V

I hate driving to this busted up ass elementary school. The moms always give me fucked up faces, and the teachers..


I grinned slightly, popping open the lock to my car.

"Hi moomoo! Guess what we did in class today!" My little sister said. I love her so much, but she's so damn loud

"First, imma need you to get in your car seat and second, what y'all do?"

I heard her smack her lips and huff. I looked in the mirror that looks over the backseat and she knew as soon as she saw my face to get it together

Granny always tells me that my attitude towards my sister is the same as our mom's was towards me.

"We got to take our beans out the plastic bags and plant them! Mine was the biggest because I have orange thumbs!"

I laughed and shook my head, pullin' off towards the house.

Orange thumbs. I remember the day her principal called me up tellin me she was in tears. They said she wouldn't talk to classmates or her teacher, but this is sometimes a problem because her autism.

When shes stressed, she don't talk much.

Later I found out it was because  her teacher said good gardeners have 'green thumbs'

She don't like green.

When I picked her up that day, I told her the best gardeners have orange thumbs. Now every time they have plant projects in school, she makes it a point to brag about her and her orange thumbs.

"Moomoo, can we wear pj's today?"

I knew that meant a trip to Walmart, usually our pj days mean movies, games and snacks.

"What color was you on today?"


"Let me see your folder."

I know she was pouting as she handed me that orange folder.

When we hit a red light I looked inside and saw the teacher had her on yellow with a note:

Good afternoon Mr. Townson (assuming you're reading this). Concerning her color today, for the most part she was good. However, she distracts other students when she's done with her school work by talking. We discussed after class about how she needs to allow other kids to finish before she talks to them. -Mrs. Hawkins

I sighed and rubbed my eyebrows. I can't even be mad because I did the same shit as a kid.

"Mama, you can't be talkin' in class when you want to. Since you didn't act up we'll still have pj's but you need to stop talkin' in that class. Understood?"

New Yorks FinestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora