chapter 7

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"Hey Pops." "Hey boy, come here." Bobby walks towards his son with his arms open and Pope gives him a hug. JJ gives a slight frown. He wasn't jealous but he sometimes wishes his dad could be like Pope's. Bobby lets go and Pope goes back to standing next to JJ.

"Hey, you brought JJ!" "Hello, Mr. Heyward." JJ puts his hand out for Bobby to shake but Bobby just pulls him into a tight hug. It makes JJ feel safe. "I'm glad to see you kid." "The feeling is mutual." JJ looks at Pope and gives him a smile. "So is Kie coming?" Bobby asked. "Yeah, I called her on the way here, she should be here soon."

A few minutes later, Kie walks into the shop. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. There was this customer that was being so rude." "That's okay sweetheart, did you tell them off though?" Bobby asks. "No, it's bad for business but I might have spit in their drink." Kie says, giving a wink. "That's my girl!" They all laugh.

"Ok guys, so all the items are in the truck. Each bag has a note with the address inside so all y'all have to do is bring it to the person who ordered it." Bobby explains. "Got it Pops. Alright guys, let's get to work." Each of them take their share of grocery bags and start their deliveries. They all meet back at the shop a few hours later.

"Oh good, you guys are back. So how was it?" Bobby asks. "That was exhausting." Pope says. "I second that." JJ agrees. "Yup but at least we got paiddd." Kie singsongs, spreading her tips. "Now that's the spirit girl, why can't y'all be like her?" Kie turns her around and smirks at her two friends while they stick their tongues out at her. "Silly kids." Bobby chuckles.

Officer Hangrid and Vlem walk in the shop with mean looks on their faces. "Officers, what can I do for you today?" "Oh, we're not here to buy." Offer Hangrid hands Bobby a slip of paper "I have an arrest warrant for trespassing." Pope looks back at JJ, both of their faces are filled with fear. "No, now, what did they do? You can't just come in here and arrest these kids, man." "Look at the warrant, Heyward." The officers cuffs JJ first and bring outside to put him in the cop car, ignoring protests from Bobby, Pope, and Kie who were following them.

Officer Vlem opens the car door and sizes JJ up, "Just like your father." he spats. Pope couldn't stand here and watch this all happen, JJ didn't deserve it. "It wasn't him! It was me." Pope shouts.

"JJ was sleeping while I was gone, he was passed out cold. He didn't even know I went out until now. I know I was there after hours but I just needed a break. I've been busting my ass off studying for this scholarship so I decided to have a day off."

Pope looks towards JJ, "I can't let you take the blame for me on this." JJ's eyes start to slightly water and his voice is barely above a whisper. "Pope, what are you doing?" "I'm telling the truth. Y'all like to mess with him because of his pops but it's bullshit! He's a good kid." "Pope, c'mon, cut it out." JJ pleads. "Shut up, JJ. Just shut it."

"Is that true, JJ?" Officer Hangrid asks. Pope gives JJ a pleading look, begging him to play along so that he doesn't get in trouble. Pope knew that JJ's dad wouldn't be happy about this and he didn't want JJ to get hurt when he was just trying to do something nice for him. "Yeah officer, that covers it."

Officer Vlem takes the cuffs off JJ and pushes him towards Bobby and Kie. They cuff Pope, put him in the backseat and drive off with him to the police station.

JJ throws his hat on the floor and pulls at his hair. "Fuck!" he screams, pacing around. He goes up to Bobby frantically, "Mr. Heyward, you gotta believe me. It was me, I saw he was stressed so I took him out for a swim at the lake." Heyward pulls in JJ for a hug. "It's okay kid, I know you were just looking out for him. You always do."

JJ tries to control his emotions but he starts sobbing into Heyward's chest. "But now he took the fall for me, he can lose his scholarship." Don't worry son, you can't stress about things that haven't happened yet. That Thornton kid is an asshole, him and rich ass country club friends can be there all night but once you guys want to call the cops, he wants to call the police." "I'm so sorry." "I know kid, I know."

Heyward tries to calm JJ as he cries and Kie joins in, all giving each other comfort over what just happened.

Pope paces back and forth in the jail cell. "What the fuck did I just do?" he whispers to himself. He reflects on the events that just occurred and a smile creeps up on his face. For JJ, it was all for JJ. 

A/N: Have you ever taken the fall for someone?

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