chapter 12

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Days go by and neither JJ or Pope try to contact each other. The two boys were very different but both share the trait of stubbornness. Pope spent his days on the living room sofa sobbing to romance movies. Bobby comes in and turns off the tv.

"Hey, I was watching that!" "No you weren't, you were crying, Pope. You've been sitting here for three days crying while watching these romance movies and sobbing louder each time something cute happens." Pope sniffles. "I don't know what to do dad." "Go get him back! You've been with this boy for almost four years and you have known him since you were five! Are you just gonna let him walk away?" "Pops, he broke up with me." "Have I ever taught you to back down from a fight, boy?" "No, sir." "Then why are you gonna let a fight that you had with the person you love the most be the end of everything?

Pope thought to himself. He can't let JJ go, he's his best friend. He can't lose him. He can't. He won't. With that, he stands up from the couch and puts his shoes on. "You're right Pops, I'm gonna find him and make this right!" "That's it kid, power to you!" Pope starts to walk towards the front door. "Wait." Pope stops and turns around. "I would hit the shower if I were you, buddy." "Of course, on it!" Pope rushed into the bathroom and hopped into the shower.

After getting dressed, Pope pulled at his phone and clicked on JJ's contact name.

Pope: hey, can I come over?

Ten minutes later, Pope's phone buzzes

JJ: yea, i'm at the chateau

Pope walks to the chateau and uses his key to unlock the door. He comes in to find JJ sitting on the sofa drawing in his notebook. He admirably stares at him before saying anything. "Whatcha doing over there?" JJ jumps, startled by the sudden noise. "I'm sorry ba- J, I didn't mean to scare you." JJ relaxes his body and closes his sketchbook. "Don't worry P, it's fine." 

Pope sits next to him and JJ scoots over, leaving a large space between them. JJ clears his throat, his voice shaky. "So um, what did you want to talk about?" Pope sighs and scoots closer to JJ, their knees touching. "J, I'm really sorry. You were right. I didn't think and just acted off of my emotions and I was wrong. I'm sorry and I want us to be okay again." He takes the ring out of his pocket and holds it out. "Can we be okay again?"

 Pope is looking straight into JJ's eyes and he can sees a look of puzzlement cross his face. Pope starts to feel anxious until he sees a smile start to form. JJ tugs on Pope's shirt pulling him closer and gives him a kiss. "Does that answer your question?" "Yeah, I think we're good." "Let me fight my own battles every once in a while, okay?" "Yes sir." "And I want this back." JJ takes the ring from Pope's hand and puts it on his thumb finger. 

JJ holds Pope's hand and looks up at him. "I'm really sorry about your scholarship Pope." Pope shushes his boyfriend and gives him a kiss on the forehead. "A wise man once told me that stupid things have good outcomes all the time." They both laugh. "And do you think it's true?" Pope takes a hold of JJ's hand, "Well within the days, I have somehow managed to go off the rails and lose my complete and utter shit." he chuckles. "But you're still here." "You can't get rid of me that easy babe." he chuckles. "I hope not." JJ rubs his boyfriend's hand with his thumb, "I love you." "And I love you." Pope places his head on JJ's shoulder and they sit in comfortable silence. 


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story. Please leave a vote and share with friends!

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