chapter 9

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Three days later:

Once Biology class is over JJ and Pope head on over to the cafeteria. "I noticed Kie wasn't by her locker, think she went to grab a quick shift at the Wreck?" JJ asked. "Nah man, I looked out the window as we were all packing up and saw her leaving with Cleo." "Ah, our girl got it going on!" "She sure does and Cleo seems chill so I approve." "You act as if Kie would care if you did or not." "True, she marches to the beat of her own drum." "Pogue style." "Pogue style."

The two boys do their signature handshake which just turns into them playing with each other's hands. Pope lets go first. "Alright, I'm gonna get something from the vending machine, want anything?" "Can you get me Hot Cheetos and a pink lemonade?" "You got it boss." Pope gives JJ a kiss on the head and goes to get food.

Topper comes up to the table where JJ is at and sits where Pope just was. "Well isn't that just sweet," Topper sneered. "Fuck off Topper" "How rude, looks like you got your from your old man, huh?" JJ's jaw tightens. "Well now that you think about it, you're even worse than him. You're both good for nothing, pieces of shit but at least he didn't turn out to be a f-" Topper sentence is stopped by a tackle to the ground.

Topper is on the floor with Pope on top of him throwing left and right jabs with such speed and power. "Pope! Pope!" JJ shouts trying to calm his boyfriend's rage but it doesn't work. A crowd starts to form around the altercation, people shouting and recording it all on their phones. Topper is starting to seriously bleed but Pope doesn't stop until he is pulled off by the security officers.

"Enough! Pope, what the hell man? You know better! " Officer Shoupe shouts. "I was protecting JJ." Pope grunts. "Pope." JJ whispers, there's a sadness in his eyes. "That fairy doesn't need projecting!" Topper shouts. "Don't talk about him like that!" Pope shouts, lounging at Topper for a second round but he is held back by Officer Shoupe and Thomas.

"Pope, you can't be doing shit like this, I have to take you down to the Principal's office and she'll sort this out herself." Shoupe says, tightening his grip on the boy. "What about him?" Pope points his head in Topper's direction. "Don't worry about him, now get to moving boy." Officer Thomas says as he pushes Pope forward to start walking.

"That's bullshit!" JJ shouts, increasing his pace to catch up to them. "C'mon Shoupe, he's a good kid and you know it, this is like his first time getting in trouble while Topper here is always starting shit, he needs to go too!" he continues. "Hush boy!" Officer Thomas commands. Pope stops in his tracks and turns his head to face JJ. "Don't worry J, it's okay." He reassures the blonde. Pope continues to walk with the police officers, leaving JJ in the hallway shaking with balled fists.

A/N: what is your go to pick from the vending machine?

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