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(Still in human form
Still at Kyle's house)

Austin and Henry woke up in a room filled his stuff. Austin rubbed his eyes and turned to Henry. Henry was a mess, his short black hair was messy, one of his eyes was black, his shirt was ripped and his bruises was still there. Austin smirked, not regretting his decision. Henry turned around to get up. Henry looked around and then stretch. Austin sighed and got up. Henry turned his head to Austin then turned back around.

"What's the problem Henry? Trembling?" Austin said, mocking Henry. Henry sighed and walked away. Austin walked behind him. "Just leave me alone, ok?" Henry asked. Austin went beside Henry and bump him on purpose, making him fall. "Sorry, no can do." Austin said. Henry looked away. "Your keeping that promise you made... right?" Henry claim. "Bingo!" Austin said in happiness. Henry dropped his head then sighed. Austin Crouch down and picked Henry's head up.

"Hey, it's your that I'm like this, shouldn't had made that choice." Austin claimed. Henry mumbled under his breath but was heard. "Bastard.." Austin slapped Henry. "That was rude Austin." Henry and Austin turned to see Kyle and still a tired Sam. Austin and Henry gotten up with confused faces.

"Sam wanted talk to Eteled... or-"

"Henry... just call me Henry." Henry said. Austin turned his eyes to Henry then looked back. Sam walk to Henry and took his hand, then walked him to the guest room. Austin watched as the two of them leave. Kyle walked towards Austin then eventually hugged him. Austin was very confused. Austin then had some flash back.


I don't have time with this

We have someone to met special'

•And since your aunt is having problems•

'Meet your Nephew Austin'

Your kidding right

•Austin Honey
You look so happy•

Holy shit I'm a uncle

Yes you are'

•Your aunt still hasn't named the child so..
Have any name in mind, Austin•








How about...


It- It can't be..
The last....
I saw you-"

"The last time you saw me was-"

"November 7, 1999. Your 4th year old birthday." Austin felt guilty. "That's when you didn't show affection to me or your family." Kyle said, preceding to cry. "

"I was a very busy man that-"

"Couldn't even pay attention to us. Your own family."

"Kyle, it wasn't like that." Austin spoke. "Then WHAT WAS IT LIKE!?" Kyle exclaim. Austin was surprise. "K- Kyle, please just let me-"

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