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Choi Yeonjun rushed down the street, his stiff dress shoes failing him as he tried to duck behind the building but tripped over his own heel. He slammed into the pavement dropping all his belongings onto the street.

He began to collect his things when he heard footsteps coming from down the road, he knew he didn't have enough time to escape but he tried anyways. He collected his books and shoved them into his backpack before he stood up. he was about to rush off, but a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him backwards.

"Where do you think you're going?" the voice was deep and cynical. He squeezed his eyes shut as the boy's breath hit his ear.

"Um to...to the library..." he stuttered.

One of the other boys laughed.

"wouldn't you rather hang out with us?" the tallest boy smirked as his grip on yeonjun's collar tightened.

Yeonjun swallowed nervously.

"Do we have to do this today guys? I really just wanna go home." Yeonjun pleaded as he tried to get out of the boy's grip.

The boy smirked before he slammed yeonjun into the brick wall of a nearby building.

Yeonjun felt the air be knocked out of him as his back hit the wall hard. He coughed as he squeezed his eyes shut in pain.

The boys surrounded him, the tallest's grip getting tighter on his collar. He shakily reached up and tried to pry the boy's hands away, but he was just punched by one of the others making him slam his head against the wall.

He felt a horrible searing pain in the back of his skull, his vision going blurry, he definitely had a concussion.

He cried out in pain his lungs feeling constricted. The boys continued to beat him, he felt a knee collide with his ribs and a sharp kick to his leg.

Yeonjun's body was going limp he felt dizzy and sick and felt blood pool in his mouth.

He was about to give in when he suddenly heard a voice from the alley.

"Hey assholes! Get the fuck out of here!" it was a male's voice he sounded angry.

Yeonjun couldn't open his eyes completely and only saw a blurry figure and a bunch of movement.

He heard some ruckus, possibly the sound of someone punching someone else, grunts of frustration and painful gasps before it went quiet. He heard the sound of the three boys' running off quickly. He slid down the wall feeling his legs give out. He hit the ground hard as he clutched the back of his head.

He heard the mysterious boy sigh in an angry huff before he walked over to yeonjun, squatting down next to him.

"Hey, you good man?" he felt the guy place a hand on yeonjun's shoulder.

Yeonjun blinked harshly and raised his head finally adjusting his blurry vision. He peeled his eyes open and finally saw the boy who had saved him.

He looked around yeonjun's age and had big dark boba eyes, dimples on each of his cheeks. He had a worried expression on his face as he gently squeezed yeonjun's shoulder. yeonjun saw the boy's tousled dark hair. He sat up feeling gravel digging into his palms and looked at the boy.

"Uh, yeah...yeah I'm fine." He mumbled as he tried to stand up. the boy quickly placed both his hands on yeonjun's shoulders and helped lift him up to stand.

Yeonjun clutched his head again and stumbled slightly before finding his balance.

"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" the boy said as he stood tall next to yeonjun.

I KNOW I LOVE YOU - YEONBINWhere stories live. Discover now