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The school day was pretty uneventful, normal high school nonsense, boring classes, annoying kids, headache inducing teachers. The bell finally rang at 2:45 and the students rushed into the hallways like a stampede of wildebeests. They filed out of the building and rushed to the busses and their cars excited that it was now the weekend.

Yeonjun walked to the front gate and stood there messing around on his phone until he got a message.

"Sohee: Yeonjun, do not forget to pick up your suit for tonight. And that hair better be black or brown or I swear yeonjun...

He groaned at the text before another bubble popped up.

Sohee: Do not embarrass me tonight. Persuading Mr. Park's son is all you are good for. Don't mess It up.

Yeonjun growled angrily and stomped his foot kicking some gravel beneath him as another figure walked up to him.

"Gosh I'm sorry I took so long, Mr. Tuan wanted me to help him grade some quizzes- hey, you okay?" soobin cut himself off noticing yeonjun's tense body language and furrowed brows.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine I just, I just remembered that I need to run some errands so, you don't have to give me a ride anymore..." yeonjun hung his head as he began walking away but soobin grabbed his arm.

"Yeonjun, if you need me to take you somewhere I will, it's not a problem."

Yeonjun looked at soobin with a small pout.

"I can't keep imposing on you soobin, we've just met, and I feel like I'm taking advantage of you..." yeonjun looked down at the ground, his emotions a swirl of confusing conflicting feelings. The hurt he felt from his mother mixed with his guilt for using soobin making him feel awful about himself.

Soobin smiled at yeonjun and stepped closer pulling yeonjun closer to him.

"Yeonjun. I know we just met, and I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. But, but I really like you and like hanging out with you, you're like the only real friend I have, and I really would love it if we got closer..."

Yeonjun was at a loss for words. He just stared at the taller, soobin's hand still gently wrapped around yeonjun's forearm.

Soobin sighed softly.

"I get it if you would rather not hang out with me yeonjun, you can just tell me if I made you uncomfortable and I promise I will leave you alone."

Yeonjun looked at soobin and saw hurt behind his eyes and it gave him chest pain.

"No soobin, i...I don't want you to leave me alone." He blurted out faster than he meant to.

Soobin's eyes widened, and he met yeonjun's dark orbs.

"i...I mean." He took a breath.

"I was just worried I was overstepping...I don't wanna be a nuisance to you and your brother, I don't want you to feel like you need to do things for me just cuz I'm a loner who gets picked on."

"But that's not what I'm doing yeonjun. I never meant to make you feel like that i...I guess I was just trying to find an excuse to hang out with you again..."

Yeonjun couldn't help but smile.


Soobin's ears went bright red.

"Well, yeah... I think you're really cool and.. i don't know I guess I just like you."

Yeonjun giggled feeling a little better.

I KNOW I LOVE YOU - YEONBINWhere stories live. Discover now