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The next day soobin and yeonjun slept in, meaning kai was up before them.

He walked into the kitchen expecting to see soobin cooking breakfast, but it was empty.

"Huh...is he still asleep?" he said as he turned on his heel and walked to soobin's room.

When he opened the door he had to stop himself from laughing at the sight.

Soobin was laying on his side facing yeonjun. Their faces were centimeters apart, yeonjun's arm was wrapped tightly around soobin's waist.

They looked like a couple who have slept next to each other for years, content peaceful expressions on their sleeping faces.

Kai took a second before deciding to wake up soobin.

"Hyung!" he yelled making soobin jolt awake which also woke up yeonjun.

Yeonjun quickly realized his arm around soobin and their close proximity. They both went bright red and scooted away from each other making kai laugh.

"Kai! Why the hell would you wake me up like that?"

"Sorry hyung but I'm huunnggrrryyyyyy." Kai whined like a child.

"Oh, right, breakfast... I must've slept through my alarm, sorry hyuka."

"No it's okay, you guys looked really cozy." Kai smirked making the other two blush.

They all went to the kitchen and soobin opened the fridge only to let out a loud disappointed sigh.

"what's the matter hyung?" kai asked from the counter.

Soobin closed the fridge and sat down across from kai looking apologetic.

"I was supposed to get groceries yesterday but forgot...gosh I'm sorry ning-ning..."

Yeonjun saw how upset soobin seemed. He wasn't 100% sure why he was so discouraged but he hated seeing soobin's sad face.

"No, it's okay hyung, don't worry about it." Kai reassured hating when his brother blamed himself for their financial struggles.

Yeonjun wanted to step in.

"Hey, if you guys are hungry, why don't we go out for breakfast?"

Kai's face lit up. he looked at yeonjun with a bright happy glint in his eyes making yeonjun's heart melt.

Soobin looked apologetic.

"No, no yeonjun I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Soobin, after all you've done for me, the least I can do is buy you and your brother breakfast."

"But...but I really can't pay you back...I'm in between jobs right now and money's been tight, and I don't wanna take advantage of your money or-

Yeonjun walked up to soobin and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Soobin. Chill out okay? Don't stress about this, I'm not asking you to pay me back, I just wanna take you out for a meal, we're friends aren't we?"

Soobin nodded softly.

"So friends can buy each other meals can't they?"

"Yeonjun are you sure?"

"Soobin, it's not a big deal, of course I'm sure."

Soobin gave him a soft smile still feeling a little guilty and embarrassed.

"So we can go?" kai asked excitedly.

I KNOW I LOVE YOU - YEONBINWhere stories live. Discover now