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Yeonjun entered his house and tossed his shoes on the rack by the door. He walked through the enormous foyer and was greeted by one of the staff.

"Good afternoon Mr. choi." The woman bowed to him holding a tray containing a teapot and a mug.

"Would you like some tea sir?"

Yeonjun politely declined.

"No thanks, is mom home yet?"

"Yes sir she's in the dining room."

"Thanks." He said before he walked off towards the kitchen.

He walked past his mother who was sitting at the table her laptop opened in front of her, her chanel bag sitting next to her.

Her long nails tapped the key's annoyingly as she continued responding to emails.

He sped past her and went to the kitchen opening the fridge and pouring himself a glass of orange juice and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

He was about to walk out when his mother suddenly spoke.

"Nice of you to greet me yeonjun." She said sarcastically not making eye contact still facing her laptop screen.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes hard. Before continuing to walk.

"Choi Yeonjun."

He stopped and huffed angrily. He spun around on his heels and faced the woman. She had on a charcoal gray pantsuit with a white blouse on underneath. Her medium length hair tied up in a bun, her stupidly expensive glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. Her large pearl earrings reflecting th sunlight that came through the large window of the dining room.

"What?" he said in an annoyed tone.

"I need you to go to the tailor's tomorrow to pick up your suit after school."

Yeonjun raised his eyebrow.

"And why do I need a suit exactly? Did your new husband finally die?" he spat.

She rolled her eyes and looked at him, cold dead eyes staring into his.

"no. we have a business dinner on Friday with the Park family."

Yeonjun groaned loudly.

"I thought once I turned sixteen I didn't have to go to those dumb things anymore."

"Well, you're going to this one. Mr. Park is a very important client and he's offering us a lot of money for this deal."

"And this involves me how?"

"Mr. Park has a son that I think you would get along with. I want you to butter up his son, so he'll convince his father to sign with us."

Yeonjun clutched his glass of orange juice tightly, his fingers turning white.

"So you want me there to brainwash the dude's son?"

"Precisely. His son is going to inherit the business so it is imperative that you get along so you can become business partners once you run the company.

Yeonjun huffed.

"I already told you I'm not taking over the business. I'm going to college and becoming a writer."

She laughed sourly as she slowly got out of her seat. Her heels clicked over the marble floors as she approached her son.

"Yeonjun you and me both know very well that you won't get into any college. Now you can either choose to believe your pathetic dreams or just obey me and do as your told." She patted his shoulder.

I KNOW I LOVE YOU - YEONBINWhere stories live. Discover now