Part 37- The Nightmare

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"Look, I gotta run if I'm going to find out something, be back in no time" Melian suddenly said, picking up her cloak and practically running out of the room.
"Be careful!" Fives yelled after her.

While running, Melian put her cloak on. The pure whiteness of Kaminoan facilities hurt her eyes. Soon she could see Nala Se entering the room where the Kaminoan Prime Minister sat. The hallway was empty which went into Melian's advantage. The door opened as soon as Nala Se stepped closer, but before they could close fully, Melian used the Force. She wouldn't leave a big gap so it wouldn't be too obvious, but just a small gap would be enough to hear them.
"It appears there has been a preemptive execution of clone protocol 66" Nala Se said the moment she thought the doors closed.
"How did this happen?" The Prime Minister asked, his voice appearing strong compared to Nala Se's soft one.
"I do not know as of yet. However, I recommend we terminate the clone and do a full autopsy to discover how the inhibitor chip was activated"
Two words stood out the most to Melian. Inhibitor chip. She had never heard about that and didn't know what it was. And yet, it filled her with a strange sense of dread. Something about it seemed,, sinister. Melian sensed that the Prime Minister had noticed that the doors didn't close until the end, and her hand had started to hurt too. She let go of the door, Prime Minister's doubts disappearing. She slowly and quietly ran away, and when the hallway merged with other, more busy ones, started walking. Though she was calm and non suspicious, a clone stopped her.
"Excuse me, sir, but I am afraid you are not allowed to go there" he pointed with his finger to the hallway she was just in.
"Oh, I apologize, this is technically my first visit and I wanted to take a walk and look around. I wasn't aware that hallway was not allowed" she took her hood off so the clone could see her embarrassment which she faked really easily. He sighed.
"It's alright. Just keep walking"
"Thank you, I promise I won't cause any trouble" she smiled at him, then kept walking.

Not long after, she finally arrived to Fives' room.
"That was a close one..." she sighed, almost talking to herself.
"No. There's too much procedure and protocol here" Fives paced between the table and the window.
"What's going on here?" Melian asked, confused.
"We're talking" AZI answered, Fives completely ignoring her.
"Tup is a soldier, he risks his life every day, and I know he would risk it now if it meant finding a cure for what's wrong with him" he hit his hand off the table.
"I recommended an atomic brain but that request has thus far been denied"
"Then we have to get the results of that brain scan ourselves" Fives put his hand under his chin. Melian walked closer, already knowing his plan, knowing him too well.
"But, that is against protocol" AZI said, thinking it would stop the two.
"Think about it" Melian joined the conversation.
"It's your duty to save the patient, right?" she continued, Fives moving the floating table out of their way.
"That is correct" AZI looked at both as they parted ways, walking around him.
"And you recommended this, atomic brain scan as the best way to save the patient, right?" Fives asked him now
"That is correct" AZI repeated.
"So, by not performing the scan, you're letting the patient die, willingly" she put on a serious face to convince the little droid.
"Impossible. That is against my programming"
"That's not the way it looks to me" Fives said as the two of them stopped circling around AZI, standing next to each other.
"Though I cannot perform the atomic brain scan without disobeying orders"
"Check your programming, I thought saving the patient at all costs was fundamentally your highest order" Melian walked closer to him again.
"You are correct"
"Right... then lets get to it"

The three troublemakers exited Fives' room, quickly making their way to Tup's. Fives entered just when two of the clones walking through the hallway turned around. AZI and Melian waved at them. They shrugged and continued, AZI still waving. Melian pulled him inside the room, where Fives was ready to prepare Tup.
"Okay..." he cracked his knuckles.
"Lets get to work" he stood right next to Tup. They started moving all the things in the room, Kaminoans proving themselves to be smart since every piece of the room was movable. AZI typed a few buttons and the scan itself floated down from the ceiling. Fives had positioned Tup's bed to go straight in the scanner. Melian and AZI stood on the side, AZI typing some more then moving so Fives can come closer.
"The scan is almost complete"
They watched for a few moments, but nothing showed up on the scan.
"Everything seems normal" AZI announced.
"Wait a second" he said almost immediately, then moved to one of the machines in the wall.
"What is it?" Melian asked, her eyes going from Tup in the scanner to AZI.
"It appears this clone has developed... a tumour" he said, almost as if asking. Now the two walked closer. On the screen, an image of Tup's head, a red dot blinking. An arrow was going from the dot to the text that said "anomaly".
"Is that even possible?" Fives asked.
"I have never witnessed anything like this in your kind" AZI admitted.
"Then.... what is it?" Melian looked back at Tup again.
"I cannot be sure without a biopsy" the console AZI was by beeped and the whole room changed back again.
"You're gonna take it out of him?" Fives rubbed his neck. Suddenly, in an attempt to return his hand to his hip, he knocked down one of the plates with tools. Melian quickly extended her arm in an attempt to catch all the tools and the plate with the Force, but failed. Two of the tools hit the floor with a loud sound.
"I do hope nobody heard that" she said as the plate moved and all the tools neatly laid out on it. Fives picked up one of the tools off the ground and placed it on the plate which Melian lowered on its original place.
"The probability somebody heard that was high" AZI countered. Fives looked up at him from the ground, trying to find the second tool, but while the room moved it was almost impossible.
"Fives, she's coming" Melian whispered as she sensed Nala Se coming closer to the room. Fives let go of trying to find the second tool, and while Melian hid behind one of the floatable machines, he hid under Tup's bed. Very smart, wasn't it?

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