Bad day

18 0 0

As any normal school day, I got up at 7:00 a.m. In the morning to wash my teeth and get dressed. Even though I didn't want to, I had to get up from my bed and break with this "impossible love affair" between my bed and me.

I rapidly got to the kitchen and greeted my mom. She, as always, didn't even look at me. I didn't care at all, but I still felt like I would be better off without her. My breakfast was already cold and I didn't want to eat it anymore, so I got to the kitchen and I grabbed the coffee jar and I poured myself into a portable cup, got my stuff and got out the door. I waited outside, because, as any normal 14 year old teenager, my mom still drives me to school.

"Wait for me, Violet!" Violet. What an awesome name. I never liked it at all, but my mother told me I couldn't change it unless I was 18, and I'm guessing that, when I turn 18, I won't want to change it anymore. Anyways, my mother drove me to school, and in the mean time, while we were in the car, not a word was spoken. I guess she knows I hate her as much as she hates me too, we both hate each other, but she's my mother, and I am not old enough to get out of that house, I'm still a minor, so, I guess we're stuck together. We arrived to school a little bit late, it was Monday and I didn't want to start off a week, I was tired, and I really needed a nap. I got out of the car not even saying "goodbye" or "thanks" to my mother. I kept thinking about the guitar guy. Is it possible for him to attend to the same school as I, but I didn't notice? Did he feel the same way or at least something when he saw me on that window? All of those questions kept popping up in my head. Questions I didn't want to answer because I was scared of never seeing him again, even though, since the moment I saw him I knew something was meant to be, I just didn't know what. The bell rang and I walked to class. Spanish class, when I first entered the classroom, I took a panoramic sight of everything and everyone before I took a sit, still hoping to see the guitar guy somewhere. Maybe he didn't attend to the same school, maybe he didn't even attend to school at all. It was a hard day, it seemed extremely difficult to pay attention to what the teacher said without falling asleep. I don't know why I was tired, maybe it was just his class, I don't know, but I was.

Finally, the bell rang, I quickly got out of the classroom and headed to the girl's room. I kicked the door and walked to the mirror, I looked at my face, which looked like I was the only survivor of a massive zombie attack after the world ended. Fortunately, no one was there, so I could comfortable splash water on my face without having people around looking me weird; I finished and I got out for lunch, it was already lunch time. I went and sat on my "friends" table and started to eat, they were talking about some book which was already sold out or something like that, but I didn't even care, I was busy thinking about the night before, how the guitar guy's look and mine crossed paths, and wondering if he's thinking about me too. The lunch finished and we all got up, heading to our next class, physics. I fell asleep at physics too, and I didn't even realize it until I opened my eyes just to find my teachers eyes glued to mine, he was standing in front of me as he told me "I definitely need an explanation, otherwise, you're suspended" I couldn't help it but answer with a "what?? You can't do that! I only came to school because of your class!" Of course that wasn't true "and you tell me I have to go home suspended if I don't give you an explanation?!" The teacher gasped and told me "get out" I was actually happy he said that, because I was starting to feel as the whole world collapsed in my hands.

I decided I couldn't stand anymore classes and I called my mother, asking if she could pick me up to take me home, "what do you want?" Her voice broke through the other line, "I feel really bad mom," I said, "I need you to take me home", there was silence for a minute until her sweet-ass voice broke through again: "fine, give me five" I hanged up and waited for 15 minutes until she arrived.

"Thanks, mom" I said when I got in her car. "You're welcome, honey, you know I will always be there for you" lie. "So tell me anything or any favor and I'll be plased to help you" also a lie. Why does she keep lying? We both know what she wants, she wants me to do the dishes today, I know, and I will be happy to do them, after I sleep for a million years.

When I got home, I walked until I got to my room, where my bed was, and I threw myself to that fluffy little thing which was my pillow and slept for about 4 hours.

When I got up, I just sad on thee bed and looked at myself at the mirror, which seemed to have a scratch, so I walked to it and analzed it. It was definitely a scratch, actually, if I grabbed it with my fingers, I could remove that part. After I did that, I didn't seem to me like a scratch anymore, it was more like if someone had have gotten it to look and feel like that. It was actually like a secret safe, just without the passcode. I don't know how I noticed it, it must have been the lights or so, because it seems to me like it had been there for a while, it wasn't recent. I thought must be useful to hide simething, maybe cash, I don't know, but I must have it to work.

My horrible day ended at 9:00 p.m., when I looked out the window, and on his usual spot, there was the guitar guy. A smile drew on my face and I walked quickly out my room and told my mom "going out", she said "okay, don't be late, and don't get far!" I nodded, took my coat and walked out the door.

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