The Guitar Guy

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I was unsure wether to go or not, I didn't know what to do, so I just walked his way.

He was turned around from where I was, and he was completely alone; I could see he was smoking a cigarrette and he was, as usual, with the guitar on his legs, playing just some notes, it didn't seem like a song to me.

I stand here, watching him, I am thinking about him, his hair, the other day I saw him with his bunch of friends, I couldn't really see his hair. But now, I can see it a little bit better, the light from the apartments and also the streetlights are helping. It is brown, almost blond, I thought it was black the night I saw him, it is also long, not that much long, just a little, enough to almost cover his eyes I remember.

I spend too much time just standing behind him thinking, that I never even realize that I was, until he stops playing and turns around.

I watch his dark blue eyes in the moonlight with my big brown eyes, just a second later, he tells me:

"I am sorry I didn't see you, but it isn't nice to spy on people, you know?" he lets go a little giggle.

I just stand in there without a word coming out of my mouth. He sighs and smiles at me,

"I think I've seen you before" he looks even more closely at me and says "Oh right!" he smiles a little bit widely "the other night! You passed by, right?"

I nod.

I come a little close to him and sit beside him, then I tell him,

"Uh, yeah, about that-" he cuts me off by telling me

"What's your name?" he slowly gives another try to his cigarrette and then he lets go of the smoke.

"Violet." I say, watching how the smoke fades away slowly. "what about you?" I say.

He smiles at me and says "well, my name is Anthony, but I like people to call me Tony, so-"

"Okay, Anthony then" I say smiling. He rolls his eyes and smiles back

"I like your eyes Vi, can I call you Vi?" he says. I nod and smile back,

"I lke your eyes too"

He takes out of his pocket a pack of cigarrettes and says "want some?" I nod and take one of them out of the package and up to my mouth as he takes out his lighter and lights my cigarrette.

"Can I ask you a question?" Anthony says.

I nod

"why did you come here? I mean, to the park.."

I smile back to him and say "I am a lost soul, what did you expect me to do?"

He laughed a little and said "we've found something in common"

I smiled back to him and answered "This the very first time I smoke a real cigarrette"

He opens his eyes widely and bites his bottom lip and says "Really? So how is it? And what do you mean real cigarrettes?"

I look down, "I mean I have smoked before, but it was a party and it was just to try them" I laugh, "pretty bad memory" he laughs too.

I like his laugh, and the sound of his voice, I guess that's what actually gave me the strength to talk to him, he has a deep voice and makes me feel like I can trust him, I know it's weird to feel that way, but I like the feeling, and it won't go away. so...

"Okay Vi, so, if it'ts the first time you try a 'real cigarrette', then how old are you?" He says smiling.

I am afraid he is a lot older than me, so I say "You know it's impolite to ask a lady's age, right?"

He laughs a little "why? Are you like 80 or something?"

"Of course not!" I say laughing, "but you go first"

He smiles and says "okay, okay, you win. I'm 16"

I smile but then I look down. "I'm... fo-fourteen"

I can't see him smiling but I know he is, so I look back up just to prove my point. Indeed, he was smiling.

"Then we are two stupid teenagers smoking in the middle of the night, do you know what would be perfect right know?" he says smiling.

I smile back, "Alcohol?" I say laughing,

"No! You little rebel, this!" he says picking up his guitar from the floor and turning off his ciggarrette. He starts playing, now he's playing a song, I know he is, I just don't recognize the song from anywhere:

A drop in the ocean,

A change in the weather, I was

Praying that you and me might end up together,

It's like wishing for rain

As I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most,

Cause you are my heaven.

He keeps playing, and when he's done, he looks up from his guitar and smiles to me.

"That was beautiful, Anthony!" I tell him.

"You think?" he says a little bit insecure "well, thanks" he says "it's one of my favorite songs" he says looking at me. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Uh oh!" I say looking at the time on my watch

"Curfew?" Anthony says.

I nod, "I'm sorry, it was really nice to meet you, but I gotta go" I tell him as I get up from the bench where we were. He stands up too and before I turn around, he takes my wrist and says

"Promise me I will see you again"

I smile back at him and say "I really hope so, it is great to have someone to talk to when you feel alone" I say, realizing I just confessed my depression to a guy I just met.

"Oh! Too much information!" I say covering my mouth with my both hands.

"It's okay, I get that feeling most of the time, too" he says smiling "you should get going" he says letting go of my hand, I smile and nod. I really should, I walk across the street back to my building, and when I turn around, Anthony was already sitting on the bench with a big cloud of smoke on his head, I smiled, even though I knew he wouldn't see me and then I got back to my home.

Maybe the Guitar Guy wasn't that bad after all.

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