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Am I really like that?

It's been 3 days since the last time I saw Anthony, but it feels like an eternity. I haven't seen him or his friends around, he's probably busy writing a new song or something, I don't really know.

It's pouring rain outside. Heavily.

I look at the clock on my night stand. It's 10:37 o'clock! Crap. I didn't do my homework. Well, it's not like I care or anything, but I should.

I look at the thing next to my clock. I had forgotten about it, the tape Anthony gave me. I turn on my cassette player and put the cassette in, suddenly a piano starts to play, it is pleasing to hear, but honestly I expected something more from Anthony. He just seemed like the 'Rock' kinda guy... Oh, wait! There it is! A guitar riff and people barking! Well, I guess I spoke too soon...
I'm kidding!, they're not really barking, actually the song is kinda catchy and nice. I might actually like it, but I can't recognize the band, probably because they're not that famous I guess, I mean, the song is good, but it's not the best, and it sounds like the sound quality could be improved a little bit, so probably it wasn't even recorded in a studio.

The recording stops. Shit. The cassette's strips got all tangled up.

Well, I guess I wasn't going anywhere anyway, so...

But I have to fix it, Anthony made this tape for me and it would be rude if I didn't, so I grab one of my bobby pins and fix it, then put it back in the cassette player. It worked!

This next song is a little bit sad... Who is this band?

Where have you been

Hiden all my life?

said the girl who had seen

the prettiest work of art

a sky full of stars

and the universe

in her eyes.

What? What song is that? I definitely do not know this band, for sure. But I like it, it's calm and relaxing...

I stand up and look out the window. There's no one out there.

I turn off the cassette player and lay on the floor. I keep thinking about Anthony, and I really haven't gotten interested in school lately, so I kind of don't care about my grades, I mean, it's not like I'm a straight-A student or anything, it's just that sometimes I think about leaving town, going on an adventure, meeting new people, stop being the same boring person I've been my whole life and do something for myself. I'm done with this town.

Unespectedly, I hear something hit my window glass. 'Ugh, no. I'll have to socialize'- I think to myself, but I still stick my head out. I like telling people to fuck off.

A soaked in-wet Anthony appears on my eyesight as I try to avoid water from hitting my face.

"Well, seeing you really often is not weird at all" I say sarcastically as I look at his soaked hair, damn. "To be honest, you're actually kind of boring me out, Tony" I point out, raising one eyebrow, wondering what on Earth would make a zombie-like/humid/hot-when-wet Anthony come at this unusual hour of the day knocking on my window.

"I'm sorry to keep you from your clearly important" he giggles "business or whatever" He moves his wet hair out of his face, "but I happen to need your help, if you may and will help me, of course."

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