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Hi. It's Vic. 

When I first thought about writing this story 3 years ago I didn't know what to expect. I was hoping for it to be like an improvised story that I could just write according to what came up in my head. Keep in mind that when I first started writing it I was struggling with mental health issues and I needed to fix my relationship with my mother, that's why in the first chapters the mother of the main character is a total bitch.

I was just writing what I thought would be an escape to what I was living, what I wished that happened to me, but as I said before, I was improvising.

I actually wrote a chapter called "Doors" in which the main character has a mental breakdown with very specific descriptions but it was triggering so I decided to take it down, as you can see, it's no longer in the table of contents.

In the chapter called "Drunken Nights and Notebook Sketches" there's a scene where the main character looks at herself in the mirror and motivates herself to stop being mediocre; as you can tell I wrote that one more recently.

I'm better now. I decided to seek for help and a professional along with medication somehow "fixed me" and the relationship with my mother.

I don't wanna promote this kind of behavior anymore, because as a content maker I have an amount of responsibility (doesn't matter if it's a minimal one) and what this story represents is the opposite of the person that I am today.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you are struggling with mental health seek help with professionals, don't be scared and trust me; it's life changing how much you can progress if you have support from others, and if you feel like you don't know that I do believe in you. You have mine. And that should be enough.

I'm not going to keep writing this story because I honestly don't know where it's going, but that doesn't mean I'll stop writing. I'm actually writing a new story called "The Day I Started Living" which I did plan and I do know where it's going, it's still a sad story and a beautiful one at the same time. Go check the first chapter at least to see if you want to keep reading. I've been uploading a chapter per day and I really enjoy doing so.

Anyway, thanks for reading this and if you have something you need to say please let me know, your voice will be heard.

Progression is something to be proud of and I am proud of myself.

Keep reading! (:

The Only Reason.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ