last time (18+) | ganqing (keqing)

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~3.9k words | smut, semi-public sex

"One more?"

Keqing, who was unamused, rolled her eyes when the infamous troublemaker of Liyue Highschool, Ganyu, requested for another kiss. The delinquent's arms wrapped around Keqing's neck as her fluttering purple eyes gazed towards her lover.

Both of them were currently at the rooftop of the school, which was Ganyu's typical place to hang out with the top-scoring and student body vice-president, Keqing. The painted-blue sky was clear and it came alongside with the gentle winds that brushed both girls' long hair aside.

"Go to class," Keqing asserted coldly.

"Why do you even bother to show up to school if you don't even go to class?"

The troublemaker's lips upturn. "I thought of that too."

Ganyu's lips meet Keqing's forehead. The other woman closes her eyes as she embraces the touch. After the small peck, Keqing could hear Ganyu's soft laugh. There was a tone of cocky in her voice. "But then I realized that I get to see you every day."

Waves of embarrassment rush through Keqing's body. The calm-collected Keqing quickly opened her eyes and glared towards Ganyu, who was sneering with glee. Shyly and embarrassed, she looks away – not wanting to meet her girlfriend's gaze. Keqing jokingly smacks Ganyu's head. She could feel the heat creep up from her back and towards her cheeks. Once more, she rolls her eyes towards the empty sky, pretending to brush off Ganyu's smooth remark.

From a distance, the school's bells chimed indicating that lunch was over and that class was to start. Keqing takes Ganyu's arms off her shoulders and knows that Ganyu is disappointed with the short amount of time they spent together.

"You know that I do not approve of your habit of skipping class," The collected girl rebukes towards the troublemaker's rebellious actions. Keqing smooths out her uniform, ridding the creases that formed when the two were kissing.

It was this time that Ganyu rolled her eyes. "Sorry that I'm not a nerd like you."

Keqing then proceeds to smooth Ganyu's scruffy uniform as well. Her hands move up to Ganyu's messy collar. She fixes it up and folds them correctly, Ganyu whose eyes are innocent as a child's, watches Keqing do so. With a caring voice, Keqing explains while looking down to fix up Ganyu's tie accordingly, "I want what's best for you."

"So please..."

Keqing puts her fingers under Ganyu's chin, lifting it up. Shock was drawn on Ganyu's face as Keqing leaned in. The embarrassment from before faded away and now Keqing is one at control. Their lips danced and Keqing is drowning in the smell of Ganyu's favorite food and flower, Qingxin. The cool breeze touches both of their ears and Keqing wants to stay like this a little longer but knows that there's still class. She can feel Ganyu's arms moving to set her hands on her hips. Keqing strides away and escapes her girlfriend's touch before things get heated.

Ganyu groans as Keqing side steps away from their passionate kiss. Keqing can't help but let out a laugh. Her beaming grin transitions to a cool grin and puts a finger on her lips teasingly. "Maybe if you go to class and behave. I'll reward you."

Keqing then quickly runs downstairs through the rooftop's stairs, leaving Ganyu alone. She screams internally inside at her boldness. The image of the troublemaker's gaping face and astonishment burns into her head, and Keqing can't help but smile to herself. She places her hands on her cheeks as her feet ascend downstairs. The burning sensation between her cheeks doesn't end until Keqing makes it to her class.

Keqing is at their usual spot. Though, she hates that it is their special spot where they meet every day after school. Keqing makes a disgusted face towards the door of the janitor's cleaning supply closet.

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