Whoops nearly forgot about this book

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[Wtf is this plot going anyways]

Genshin Impact walked through the streets, complicated as he shook his head. Trying to disregard his feelings towrds Cookie run Kingdom. He was blushing like crazy just thinking about him.

“ God- no I can't it's just... We're only friends, I need to get my mind off this romance thing. „

He turned his head and noticed Terraria and Minecraft romantically cuddling within a bench, he turned his head and tried getting his mind off romance as he saw Tokyo Revengers giving Bungou stray dogs a boquet of flowers. Another turn left him seeing of Gacha club desperately trying to gain Roblox's affection. He tried turning back as he noticed Cookie run Kingdom right behind him. Causing his face to go red as he noticed from left to right this place was filled with couples.

“ Genshin, I was looking for you! Also are you ok? You seem completely red, did you get a sunburn? I heard you were talking about romance do you have a crush? „

Genshin shook up as he looked at his friend, as Cr: K held their hands together tightly trying to comfort him. Oblivious due to the fact he was the main reason his friend was red.

“ No no.. I'm fine I guess, just the lighting. Why were you looking for me anyways? „

“ Dsmp wants you to be in a cafe with him, don't worry I'll probably leave as soon as we reach the place. He said he wanted alone time between the two of you. „

Genshin stood confused, but nodded as he followed Cr: K towards the Café. Holding onto his hand, they were conversating during it. They reached the area as Gi saw Dsmp at one of the seats staring at them through the window.

“ I better go now then! „

“ Cya. „

Gi and Cr: K stopped holding hands as Cookie run Kingdom started walking away. Leaving Genshin feel a bit sad that their interaction had been cut short. He walked into the Café as she sat at the seats on Dsmp's table.

“ So, why'd you call me? „

“ I wanted to ask some questions. „

Mcyt sipped onto his coffee as Genshin was on his way to make an order towards the waitress. Gi looked back at Dsmp.

“ Yeah you can ask me anything, I'm your friend afterall. „

“ Do you have a crush on somebody? „

Genshin Impact raised an eyebrow as he got his Latte, he let it rest on the table as it was too hot at the moment.

“ No, y'know I haven't had a crush in awhile right? „

“ Are you sure? „

Gi let out a little "mhm" as he sipped onto his Latte before accidentally burning his tongue.

“ Well, we've been friends for a long time and I wanted to ask you this question ever since I laid eyes on you. I'm not sure how you didn't even get mu signals. „

Mcyt proceeded to place his hand onto Genshin's cheek, letting his thumb hover over his lips.

“ Could you have a chance with me, Genshin? „

Gi gave him a confused stare as he slapped the hand off him.

“ Sorry Dsmp, I'm not particularly into relationships right now it's just the work at our college is a lot for all of us at the mo- „

“ You like that goddamn Cookie run kingshit don't you? „

Genshin yelped as his wrist was gripped by Dsmp's arm, he gave him and irritated expression as he grabbed the latte and spilled it onto Mcyt's face as he let go of his wrist Gi proceeded to look at the desperate man.

“ What? Just because I've been spending more time with him doesn't mean jackshit, it's you that's making me stray away from our relationship. I tried avoiding your damn flirting because you managed to find a way to hurt my feelings or end up making fun of me when I already said it makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to see you ever again. „

Genshin proceeded to stomp away as Cookie run Kingdom managed to see him again as he ran and noticed Genshin's obvious expression.

“ Ah seems like your meeting went quic-  Genshin? Are you alright, you seem mad. „

“ Oh my fucking Archons, leave me alone I need space. „

Genshin said as he walked away and left the town plaza, going back home as he simply just ran to his room as he closed the door, laying his head onto the matress as he shakingly teared up he gripped onto the blanket as Honkai knocked, getting him alarmed as he looked back.

“ Genshin, are you there? Sweetheart don't- „


The door opened as he turned around, Honkai waved as Arknights barged through the door, Genshin groaned as he looked back to seeing the couple.

“ What do you want? „

“ Don't look at us like that! Honky wonky can you explain it to him? „

“ First, don't act too lovey dovey around me towards him. Anyways, we have good news on GGZ. „

Genshin's eyes widened as he looked at them.

“ Really?! „

“ Yeah, she's being wheelchair-bound but that's because her global and Asia servers shut down. She's still very active! That's why your sister-in-law Akrnights and PGR decided to visit. „

Genshin's eyes beamed as he ran through the door, PGR on their phone as they looked at the running man and went back to staring at their phone.

“ Should we stop him in case he trips? „

“ I'm sure you've gotten used to your uncle PGR, I'll be making us dinner. „

Genshin walked down the hall into the dining room as he saw GGZ and ToT on the table, he ran and hugged her close as she pat him on the head. GGZ explained her situation in her foreign language.

“(I actually was able to hear everything during my coma, you told me everything about some boy have you? That's really cute.)„

“(Shhh, big sister don't say that. It's embarrassing.)„

“(Don't worry I'll support you either way. You remind me on me and Honkai. Since I know how much you've been crushing on this boy. You gave me data on what he looks like, I managed to stumble upon him while I was going out of the hospital so I decided to invite him over. Maybe you can get enough motivation to confess your love to him.)„

“(You wha-)„

“ Oh! Does anybody have like a confession scene ready?! I'll be cheering on to whoever has that secret crush! „

Genshin felt his face heat up as he awkwardly turned his head at the door way to see Cookie run Kingdom.

A Wish Upon A Witch's Hat - Cookie ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now