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"Chenle! Wake up! Doyoung hyung is waiting for us!" Jisung knocked at Chenle's bedroom door, calling him like what Doyoung just told him. It's already 9 in the morning and they still got no signs of Chenle waking up and getting out of his room. "Chenle, the food's gonna get cold y'know." Jisung knocked once again, only to get no response from his best friend. "Fine, I'm gonna get in there whether you like it or not." Jisung tilted his head in confusion as he twisted the door knob, the door was unlocked. Chenle usually lock his door. "Hmm, he must be really exhausted yesterday... Chenle?" Jisung walked closer to him, noticing his face was under his pillow.

"How can you breathe with that pillow covering your face? Come on Chenle, the food's getting cold. Doyoung hyung might get mad-" Jisung's whole body got frozen as he saw the situation of his friend, his mouth and eyes are wide open, his face and stomach are red and a bit swollen. After seconds of staring at Chenle's horrible situation, Jisung didn't hesitated to run and tell the members about what he had just witnessed. As worried older brothers, they hurriedly ran to where the said body was.

"Chenle..." Jaemin slowly walked towards the boys, his whole world got instantly wrecked as he stared at Chenle's lifeless body, it hurts them to see one of their younger brothers got killed by an unknown killer. All of their eyes slowly turned to Kun as he suddenly appeared on the scene. Yangyang didn't hesitated to do what he wanted towards Kun out of anger, he threw a punch on his face, making everyone panic. "KUN-GE! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO US?!" Kun was shocked on Yangyang's sudden attack. "Fucking shit! What?! What the hell are you talking about?" Kun stared at Yangyang who had a mental breakdown in front of him, then turned his attention to Jisung who was also staring at him while wrapping his arms around Chenle's lifeless body. "A-Are you the one who killed him hyung?" Jisung asked with a shaky voice.

"Why me?! Is it because I got mad at him yesterday?!" Kun's anger then exploded, scaring Jisung and any other members. "You know, it would be better if we'll talk about this-" Taeil was cut off from speaking when Kun slammed the door shut, he just walked out. They looked at each other, not knowing what to do with the situation. "I'm sorry I instantly blamed Kun hyung." Jisung looked down, his arms are still wrapped around Chenle's cold body. "It's okay, we all find him suspicious. Right guys?" Everyone agreed to Sungchan's statement, calming the younger down.

"We really should bury Chenle now, he's getting to smell like hell." Xiaojun said, everyone agreed to that except for Jisung. "But Jisung, we have to bury him. You don't want the house to smell like rotting people, do you?" Jisung had no choice but to listen to Doyoung, plus it might help Chenle rest. "O-Okay..." Jisung hesitantly gave the corpse to the members, his clothes are getting Chenle's rotting scent too. "Jisung, you should take a shower right now. I'll look after you." Jeno then lead him to the bathroom, and as promised, he looked after him outside the door.

They spent their time, burying Chenle, crying over him, and talking everything out. It's been hours yet no one admitted yet. That made Doyoung's patience explode again.

"Won't you tell me or not?! Everyone!" They remained silent, but still stealing glances from each other. "Yesterday was Taeyong, then Chenle... It is possible that one of us here is the culprit." Doyoung then stared at them one by one, then landed his eyes on the current suspect.


"What now? I told you I'm not the one you're looking for!" Kun trying so hard to defend himself just feels off to Doyoung, to everyone actually. "It's possible that he's the culprit because he's been looking at Chenle the whole night..." Taeil spoke up. "You know what? Let's end this talk for now and eat, it's getting dark outside." Everyone agreed to Renjun, they all stood up and did what they have to do. Except for Kun, he didn't stood up, he just stared at the floor with anger being drawn in his eyes. "Chill out. Eat your dinner first before thinking about those things." He heard Winwin speak in front of him.

"You should... Drink it out maybe? I'll drink with you." He added, he only received a glare from Kun as a response, but later he heard him speak. "Right, a little drink wouldn't hurt." Winwin then made a smirk before leaving him to join the others.

They all ate silently, did their dishes, and did a short talk. After all of those, they decided to take a rest. "Please make sure to lock your doors, and to never go out late at night." Doyoung heard them saying "yes". He then headed to his room after, but before that, he greeted everyone a goodnight, which all of them responded.

The others were still in the living room, talking about some random things while Kun headed to the bathroom to wash his face. But on his way to the bathroom, he got dragged by an unknown person with a strong force. He couldn't shout since he perfectly covered his entire mouth with his hand, all he can make are muffling noises.

"--AH! What are you doing?!" He scanned the whole room, it was dark, it looks like a basement. "Wait, how did we--"

"Cool right?" He heard a voice right in front of him, it was a man, and his face was covered in darkness. "Who are you?! What are you doing to me?!" He only heard a laugh, making him feel even more annoyed than earlier. "Take a seat first, please." Kun refused to listen, he just kept glaring at him. "I said FUCKING TAKE A SEAT! ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?!" That actually terrified Kun, the man lifting him by holding his neck and putting him on the chair with his one hand is scary enough to him. "An intelligent guy but can't even understand a single command? Gosh, these members truly are something." He began to tie Kun in the chair he was sitting. "So, I really wanna drink with you right now... So please, join me."

"Let me go! Damnit--" He then inserted a funnel into his mouth, but then later spit it out. It landed far enough for Kun's feet to reach. But what scared him was that the man slowly grabbed the funnel once again, and turned on the light for him to be able to see. He finally saw the face, and the bottle he was holding.

It was Muriatic Acid.

"And the audacity to put the--"

"And who told you to spit this funnel out of your mouth?! You disrespectful shit!" He harshly put the funnel back into Kun's mouth, making his tears escape from both of his eyes. "Surprised? Yes, Qian Kun, it's me." Kun let out a loud muffled scream as the man opened the bottle.

Loud, painful scream echoed around the basement as he began to pour the liquid mercilessly into his mouth. His throat quickly got burned, got melted in the the blink of an eye, along with his stomach and intestines. His last pour created a hole in his neck, making him smirk at his doings.

Kun was finally gone.

"Hmm... Where to put the body?" His eyes then landed on the large furnace, so he decided to just burn him and let the members turn insane while looking for him.


Hi! I really wanted to update days/weeks ago but we lost our electricity, water and signal due to Typhoon Odette. That shii was scary. Buuut I'm alive and okay, my family is okay at our hometown too even though our things there(including appliances) got broken because of the storm surge(Yes, our house got hit by a storm surge 😭). It's just sad because one of our neighbors died and some of them went missing according to my mother's update. My father almost died there too because they(men) stayed at home to guard their houses(my father have to look after our dogs too) but luckily Papa survived with no injuries! Most of the houses there got destroyed by Odette but we believe that we can get through this.

Bagyo ka lang, Pinoy kami🇵🇭

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